Knitted Graffiti Art – what a hooligan I am!

My first knitted graffiti is up and out. Well, to be honest, my first graffiti ever I think!

Knitted graffiti by iHanna made from nature and hand spun wool of the day Sweden

I just haven’t meet people that was “in to” this kind of stuff before, but this Sunday we were a bunch that sat outside and made little pieces of decoration for our environment. I had a very nice time with new people. I had no idea what to do, but after I took some of the green moss colored wool and spun it into a little wobbly yarn ball, I carved myself a pair of tiny knitting needles with a knife.

Nature knitting

I decorated my little art piece with some of the flowers and grass I was sitting on while creating, then after fika but before heading home I found a nice pole to decorate and then I left it there as Guerrilla Art, Public Art, Knitted Graffiti or litter – what ever you want to call it.

I feel a warm and strange sense of pride. I feel a bit mischievous (like a naughty girl in a fun way), and it makes me wanna giggle. Look, what a hooligan I am!

My knitting project

What will be my next graffiti project you think? I want to cover an entire ugly pole [flickr image no longer available] outside my parents house for example, or maybe one of the apple trees in their garden?

What will you do to make your environment more crazy and fun? Visit Knitta Please to get more inspiration, and let me know what secret agent name you would use to tag your next installation? I don’t know what I will call myself yet, maybe you have a suggestion?

18 Responses

  1. That is so funny! I don’t knit, but I can crochet…I should try this. It is so mischievous and I would love to see people’s reactions as they pass by. You may need to go under cover and snap a few photos.

  2. Love the idea but I’m still a bit too scared to do it… I’ve only recently started writing words on rocks and leaving them around town. I love guerilla art but lack the confidence to do something big yet. One day…


  3. i have been diggin’ the knitted graffiti – i have seen a bit. i always wonder do you stitch it around the pole?

  4. I luuuurve the idea of Guerrilla Art!! It’s so cool. So is that idea of writing words on rocks and leaving them around town….I want to try that!

  5. Thanks for your nice comments! I too love the idea of leaving rocks with words or just little messages on paper or post-it notes. I wanted to do that, but never got around to do it.

    Laura, I think you knit it at home and then just sew it onto the pole or handle or what ever you’re tagging and then run for it! ;-)

    Have fun!

  6. Casapinka,
    so glad you came by to comment, I am happy about my world aren’t I? So glad you pointed it out, I tend to forget sometimes! hehe.

    Take care!

  7. Every Christmas, I?m thinking about buying a lot of plastic baubles, and then decorate a tree somewhere, just for the fun of it. I would love to see the faces on people, when they pass a Christmas tree in the middle of a park, or along a trail in the wood, or anywhere, where you don?t expect it. Maybe this year I?ll do it… More creative graffiti to the people!

  8. I like your guerrilla art piece! I felt the same way when I made chalk meditation drawings in public places. I haven’t done it in a while–thanks for the reminder. Amazing knitting needles too!

  9. Hanna, me encanta! I love your graffiti. I love guerilla art! Your piece is beautiful. :o) Peace, sister.

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