Turquoise Dress for Summer Days

Turquoise – a new favorite colour this year. It has really been speaking to me lately. And it is such a summery fresh colour, don’t you agree?

Here are some turquoise photos for you to enjoy.

Pilchard the cat (turquoise toy cat that I thrifted) Photo copyright Hanna Andersson aka iHanna

Thrifted toy cat, very plasticy and very turquoise. I was told his name is Pilchard, and I don’t mind. Bob-Pilchard perhaps then.

And the turquoise bowl, that is just so very beautiful.

Turquoise opaque pressed glass bowl photo by Hanna Andersson

I couldn’t resist getting it, even though I know I shouldn’t have bought it. It is such a eye-candy bowl (for putting candy in), and I like it a lot.

And for those of you who have been reading my blog for a couple of years, you might recognize the turquoise flowery fabric that I made a long sleeved t-shirt from? I had quite a lot left, that has been “laying around” for two years, until now!

iHanna's turquoise dress neckline close up - Photo copyright Hanna Andersson aka iHanna #DIYfashion

First I copied a t-shirt pattern from a magazine, but as I lay it on the fabric I saw that I could make something bigger, so I made a night gown. But when I put it on it was not as wide as I had imagined it. Actually it is to tight for a comfortable nightgown, so now it’s a dress.

A summer dress for me, made by me!

iHanna's turquoise dress #DIYfashion

I love the round neck that I got from this pattern, I’ll use it again on a real t-shirt that does not turn out a dress.

What do you think?

PS: If you like turquoise cats / Pilchard too, you can knit the cat!

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12 Responses

  1. It’s my favourite colour in the whole world! and that turqoise bow… perfection, girl!

  2. Awe, I might just knit that little kitty! I’m glad you’re looking on the bright side of things and calling that creation a dress. Its very cute :)

  3. I love your dress! Perfect fabric, great shaping, and that neckline is lovely. Have a wonderful time wearing it!

  4. Lenge siden sist jeg la igjen kommentar, men ikke lenge siden sist jeg var p? bes?k i bloggen din :o) Den er en evig kilde til inspirasjon for meg. Bildene dine er alltid en nytelse, og det er en ?re ? f? kikke i din Moleskin og andre journaler. Denne gangen tok jeg meg tid til ? kopiere masse av lenkene du tipset om tidligere i sommer, til min Bloglines. Du er selvf?lgelig p? plass der for lenge siden ;o) Ha en fortsatt super sommer!

  5. Great dress! Your sewing skills are amazing! I wish I could sew clothing, but I am afraid in a few minutes of wearing something I made the seams would come undone and well…you know the rest LOL EEK! hee hee! xoxo

  6. oh i am so happy that you found me and i found you…any blue is my favorite color…i love the cat…how fun…see you soon…blessings, rebecca

  7. Love all the turquoise and the dress!
    I have a turquoise dress too!

    God Bless You and Yours!!!