Yummy book covers

Good bits
Book cover patchwork?

I am making my own art journals this year. Finding papers, cutting, sorting. Right now I’m back at my own awesome tutorial on how to make patchwork book covers, using some good bits from the paper stash. Lots of pink papers, on square book covers. Love it!

And it’s so yummy, that’s all I can say. Yum!

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8 Responses

  1. Hanna! The sight of these papers all piled up makes me happy. Well, they aren’t piled, really. When I was making a whole bunch (gaggle? herd?) of bookmarks with papers sewn and then glazed, I thought how great it would be to make book covers the same way! And then of course I got busy and forgot. YOU would have added it to the list! But I am a novice list-maker. Now, from all this blabbing, it’s hard to actually tell that I’m talking about book covers that wrap onto books to keep them protected from sand and juice and coffee and bathwater! Bookmarks AND book covers? too much fun!
    I love forward to seeing your journals. I always do.

    Off to revisit your patchwork book covers.

    • Chris, I’m into matching your books right now.. you could then make a book cover for the novel you’re reading and then a matching bookmark for that book! Thanks for shopping by and commenting. Happy weekend!

  2. Hanna, I’ve been stitching journal pages like a madwoman (which is how I always feel when I am stitching, like a magician or a wizardress). I love the array of papers on your table, the inspiration of so much color and pattern and chaos.

  3. I love these! I make my art journals and photo books and now I want to try patchwork covers.