List Prompt #9: things I collect for Art Journaling

Not sure about you but making list is something I love to do. I like how the title sets the topic and each item stands alone but also is connected in different ways to the previous bullet point and the next one… It really is a great journaling techniqe.

Right now my diary is filled with lists because each day I’m writing down a list called What I did today. It’s easy to record “everything” and notice how productive (or lazy) you’ve been in this way. It’s my unannounced November Project! Are you doing anything special for Art Every Day month? Anyway, with the List Journal I’m also having fun making lists that are not word-based. Lists like crayon colours and my today’s Things I collect for my art journaling, a habit and a pile that is growing every day! :-)

Want the story behind the List Journal and the fun collaboration that Tammy and I are doing? Check out the intro post and then follow along with our Saturday List Journal prompts. Thanks!

This is my page:
List Journal: things I'm collecting for my art journal
Finally some collage elements glued into the list journal!

List prompt #9: things I collect for my art journaling

  1. Painted papers (my own also known as background papers, perfect for collage)
  2. Pretty labels (who doesn’t love labels, journaling frames, tags and spots to write on? Many of my favorites are free to download & print from and by Avital)
  3. Patterned papers (also known as pretty papers in my world)
  4. Images I like (like this one of Kim Novak)
  5. and of course the daily ephemera (like the pink piece from a candy bag glued onto this page)

Plus lots of other stuff of course, like washi tapes, iHanna’s printable labels and rolls of wall paper!

That’s my list. What’s on yours? Please join us in our creative list-making adventure!

The List Journal Project button for your website, right click and saveUse this button if you want to play along with us and link to me and/or Tammy. Next Saturday we?ll post the next list prompt! Here’s what you do: Just create your list and pop back to this post and add your link in the comments. You can link to a blog post or to your uploaded photo on Flickr.

You can add the list any time this week or later, I read all incoming comments and will come visit even if you post your list next month or year! Just let me know.

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4 Responses

  1. How creative of you to use EXAMPLES of each of the items on your list. I can only imagine the amazing piles of ephemera in your stash! And where do you find wallpaper?

  2. I really like the “what I did today.” It is almost a way to account for a life lived.