Creative Snapshots | Polka Dots

Sharp Pencils
It’s September first today and autumn is officially here.

The mornings are chilly but we’ve had several beautiful days with warmth and sunshine this week (and some heavy rain too). My window is still open all the time, and today I sat outside and knitted a bit on a pair of socks that I have had on the needles for a year – or more.

Polka dots – on and around my polka dot table the dots gather. I hope you like these creative snapshots!

Polka Dot Hello Kitty
Coffee and a good pen
Magazines for cut&paste
New ink

My iPhone is Polka Dotted
Even my iphone is polka dotted right now. And the orchid is in full bloom:

Orchid in Second Bloom

On my inspiration board I have these two owls, that my 6-year old crafty friend made me:

Polka Dot Owl

Wishing you a great day and a September filled with creativity and joy!

4 Responses

  1. Hi,
    Love the color scheme! Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures. You brought a smile on a face, and that’s cool!
    xoxo from Bordeaux, France

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