Collaged notebook covers + a owly

Coffee and a sandwich at a cozy café in town is always so nice, specially when you are there with a friend and you both see a tree in your caffé latte.

två blanka block After coffee and chat, we walked to a book shop where my friend bought a blank note pad for school. She also bought a green A4 paper that she will write the school subject and adhere to the cover of the note pad to make it nicer and more personal. I couldn’t resist of course, and bought two blank note pads with white pages! When I came home I looked through my image stash and covered them with a magazine clippings collage style.

This is how they turned out:


calendar One with strong warm colours and one with a blue feeling to it. Maybe the girl needs a pair of goggles?

I also (finally) made a cover for my black calendar for my last year of school 2006/2007.

You can still see the original cover under the spiral wich is really ugly, but I couldn’t do anything about it so I’ll just ignore it!

All of them together. I’m pleased with the result.

Also wanted to show you this little guy, that was born this summer when I visited mom (but I took the photo this weekend):

Oooo, ooo, said the owl and then the blog entry was over for this time.

10 Responses

  1. Your notebook covers are beautiful – I rather like it that the letters from the original notebook are showing, but if you don’t maybe you can paint over them with acrylics? I’m so happy that you write so much! It’s always fun to read you! I look through all my “blogroll” everyday, and even when no one updates, I know I can count on you!:)

  2. what a beautiful blog you have!
    those are great pictures.
    the pink bears reminded me that
    i used to call my husband “pinkerton”
    the first few years we were married.

  3. Oh, I love the covers~~ so inspiring…luv the “blue feeling” one! I like that they are all different!

  4. The books look great! I do that with all of my visual diaries for school – as you said, it just makes them more personal and a bit more fun to look at. That owl is so darn gorgeous – the brown fabric I love!

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