Make something using buttons

    Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.
    / Scott Adams

Mom's button collection

No comments needed I think. You can see how these button bracelets have been made (using elastic rubber band) and how easy this craft project is. You should give it a try, it’s easy and fun!

Mom's button collection

Bracelet in snot green

From mom's collection

I’ve seen several fun ways to make jewelry with buttons online but this was my first try making something with just buttons. Next time I want to try to string the buttons together with wire!

Other projects that I’ve done with buttons are:

Buttons buttons buttons!

Candle holders
and Mirror frame decorated with buttons! Mom often uses buttons as decorations on her nécessaires.

Go dig through your buttons! Have fun!

14 Responses

  1. No comments needed, but I’m going to leave one any ways ;) Those are SO cute!!! I Love the bracelets!! Very very cute!

  2. The mirror is absolutely beautiful! And I think the quote you posted is equally awesome – so I put it in my signature line of my emails. Thanks for sharing it!

  3. I know you said no comments needed but I’m going to comment anyway. :) Those are the cutest bracelets. I love the green one. I love your sweater too. :)

    I’m going to have to try the button candle holder. You have inspired me. I haven’t checked in a long time. I decluttered & redecorated this Summer. Missed reading your blog.

  4. I love them. I just discovered button bracelets myself and I’ve made quite a few. My 5 year old grandson even made one for his Mama.

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