Dreaming about dreaming – in a pink bedroom

I keep looking at this magazine spread over and over again:

sovrum i rosa

This is the bedroom I want to sleep in. I’m dreaming about dreaming in this bedroom. The wallpaper is just amazing, don’t you think? This is how I want to live! The only one stopping me from having it is – me!

sovrum i rosa

sovrum i rosa

What do you dream about?

I’m stating all the time that I have Big Dreams and that I believe it’s important to visualize and keep setting up goals in your life. But what about me? Lately I’ve been challenged to rethink my “dreams”. Do I really believe I deserve to go there, to live like that? Why am I still not pursuing my dreams? Are my dreams only dreams and not visions of what I want? What inside of me is stopping me?

Important questions that I need to ask myself over and over again right now…

11 Responses

  1. I’ve asked myself this before too. I’ve had dreams that I planed for–figured out what I had to do to get there–and half way through the process I realized I didn’t want that after all. I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up and I’m 26! Sometimes also, I think that the comfort of what is familiar drags you away from your dreams. We ask ourselves, “is it worth the stress of leaving my comfort zone? Maybe I’ll just wait and see what happens…” and time floats by. But creating a pretty pink bedroom is certainly doable! Go for it!

  2. jeg elsker ogs? at fortabe mig i dr?mme! Mine er bare mere hvide end pink – men det skal ikke skille os…

    God weekend!

  3. I see you in that room & you need to go for it. Never let anything hold you back. Your dreams are one step forward to reality.

    I love the room. I’m in love with that chair.

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