Art Journaling Peek: Photos in Smart Journal Volume 2

If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?
Albert Einstein

Smart Journal #2

With the brown paper cover this smarty art journal is mellow on the outside but awesome on the inside… At least I think so. I love the flower illustrations on the left. Love! And I love my pencil drawing made on white gesso painted on a pink scrapbook paper.

Smart Journal #1 Flower Map

Well, I love every single spread, mostly because it is so very simple. And also it’s because I’m allowing myself to just pick the papers I really like, and putting the others to the side!

Smart Journal #1 Einstein quote
Included this Einstein quote about messy desks, that I’ve had taped to my own desk for years.

Smart journal volume 2 is full of collage ideas and experiments. And a cut out doodled girl, first sketched in a phone book actually. And summer memories, like this boat ticket:

Smart Journal #1 Pretty Me

And memories of the Peace & Love festival:

Smart Journal #1 Peace & Love festival

I even printed my instagram photo of my festival nails and glued it in, which does not make it a scrapbook. A few photos not a scrapbook does make.

It’s an art journal with photos!

Smart Journal #2 H is for Hell Yes
H is for Hell Yes!

I don’t use my own photos that often, mostly because my printer is crappy and the ink so expensive. I wish for a laser printer one day.

Do you print photos for your art journal?

12 Responses

  1. Oh, this reminds me that I LOVE that IG photo of you and your mom.
    I’ve not put embellishments in my collages yet (that I remember), but your experiments are paying off, woman! My favorite I think is that embossed white paper with your sketch to the left side of it. What a great layout.

    • Thanks Chris, using your own doodles and sketches as collage fodder is something I should do more huh? Need to sketch more on loose papers, it’s so fun to cut out and use, but you could also do b/w copies of older doodles to use in collage…

  2. Every time I see these wonderful collages and collections you make in your art journal I say I’m going to pick up the scissors soon, but I keep doing the same things like mail art and knitting. I need to set a day aside for art journaling. Thursdays? Thursdays!

    • Mary, having a special art journaling day is a great start, but also to open a journal one day and go visit the open book the next day and add some marks or glue some bits of paper down… I hope you try it out!

  3. I use photos of my family, friends and sometimes my own. I don’t care if it qualifies it as a scrapbook. It’s my own book and I do as I please. But I really doubt that scrapbookers write all over the pictures. I love your book!

  4. I use a lot of my own photos in my art journal. But my printer is crappy and broken, so I’m having to be fairly creative how I use them till I can get myself a new one. I usually just print them out in grayscale on normal printer paper now and make it work. Love your book.

  5. Go Hanna! I adore this little journal. It is simple and elegant, and I love the idea of selecting only your favorite papers. And to answer your question, yes I print photos to use in my art journal – only in the last 2 years – on the little pogo printer. The photos are imperfect and slightly desaturated which I love. I like having a photo as a focal point.

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