Cross stitching once upon a time…

I’m at my parents right now, because my Dad is going to be 60 next week. I’m staying a week extra to read in the sun. I should be at home right now, since I’m waiting for some traded ATC’s that hopefully will fall into my mail box at home soon – also waiting for the last postcards from another swap. But all of that will wait for me when I return; it’ll be a great pile of stuff to come home to!

Today I went through mom’s sewing room cupboard, and made some great finds. Different papers and then a couple of things that was originally mine or made by me. First out was a sweet teddy bear embroidery that I made about 10-12 years ago (!) when I had my first craft period of embroidery. Coz even if this year has been my first as a knitter and so on, I’ve been creative all my life. I had a period when all I did was cross stitching: pillows, small table clothes, applications on clothes etc. These bears are actually made by me, but not made into anything yet. I gave it to mom today (she didn’t know it was in there either!). She’s going to sew a patchwork pillow with this embroidery in the middle. She collects teddy bears.

And remember how much I needed to have a needle book last year? Today I found that I had made one years and years ago – and it’s really cute too! I must’ve had good taste as a teenager I guess. Well, it doesn’t grow off! ;-)

I have no memory of making this at all, but… it’s got my initials on it.

Needle book backside made by meOn the backside of the needle book I’ve cross stitched these pink flowers (linneor), and the inside has yellow and white linen. It’s smaller than my crazy quilt one, and will be great to bring when traveling. It’s going to get used more now than when I made it!

Scissors like owlThird find was a little scissor from my great embroidery days. It’s a child’s plastic scissor, but I fancy it because it’s looking like an owl, and I’m into birds right now! It’s going into my back pack right now!

2 Responses

  1. Åh vad roligt det är att hitta gamla fynd i mammas gömmor. Nallarna och syetuiet är jättegulligt. Bra att du tar hand om dina grejor så att jag kan fylla skåpen med mina grejor
    puss från mum

  2. Hullo there Hanna,

    thanks for the birthday wishes, love your crosstitching! Used to do it when little myself. You are always into something! Great ATC, thanks for sharing..


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