Made a pair of Mom Mittens

Pretty in pinkWhen my mother was here she thrifted this beautiful sweater in pink and green shades. I wanted to have it too, but it fitted her perfectly… Until she washed it…

It was wool and shrunk to half it’s size, unfortunately for her. Fortunately for me though. I couldn’t wear it now eather but I cut it up and used the felted sweater to make a pair of Mom Mittens for my mother:

Mittens for mom - Mom Mittens
I hand sewed them and then just added a pink silk ribbon for that “little extra”. She likes them and tried to “catch” a dragon fly when I took this photo.

13 Responses

  1. Thanks for stopping by. You have a great blog here and I’ve been reading many of your posts and look forward to seeing what great crafts you do in 2006, Happy Crafting.
    By the way great mittens!

  2. I really like those! I’m inspired to make a pair. What a great idea. And I really like the pink ribbons – it makes them very feminine.

  3. oooo, that is a great use of a “ruined” sweater! lovely blog you have here, i especially loved your year of projects in review. :)

  4. Those are so cute! Now I’m wondering if I should shrink one of my old sweaters for the purpose…

  5. These caught my eye right away…as I love to knit as well as digital scrapbook! I’ve got my eyes open for an old wool sweater…lol

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