No limits but no time

If I had lots of time, I’d wanna make a lot of things right now.

Tulips for Jenny (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

Here is a list of stuff I’d like to do if I had no time limits at all…

…but of course, I have to, as do you, realise that time is limited.

Plus, I have another list of my own projects to complete first, or at least try to complete… I hope I’ve inspired you though, to make something today!

All these ideas… and you know what happens:

It can block one because it is so so so intimidating to have all these ideas for projects that your head is spinning because you want to realize them all. You get frustrated about it, blocked, feeling guilty for not being able to do a single thing and you give up.
[read more at Tina, who tries to figure it all out]

There is so little time, so enjoy it while you can.

A list of my own

9 Responses

  1. Oh my gosh. This sounds so familiar. The list of projects in my head is almost paralyzing at times. Thank you for the links. Luckily, even though I like and am inspired by them all, I’m not tempted to add too many of them to my project list.

  2. Oooh, jag vill ocks? g?ra ett s?nt d?r knapphalsband. Men jag fattar absolut ingenting av beskrivningen. G?r du det? Och de s?ta tofflorna. Men d?r fattar jag inte heller hur det h?nger ihop. Kan du inte g?ra b?da tv? och f?rklara? ;)

  3. hi! i’m new to this blog scene and i found yours through meggie cat. i wanted to take a moment to say “hello” and to thank you for all of the wonderful ideas and inspirations. between you and meggie cat i will have a very busy year crafting my fingers to the bone(happily!). i LOVE the little knitted “Kate the Cat”! i don’t knit, but she sure is cute! thanks again…

  4. I love your blog and today was very inspired by the list of things to make if you had time. I now have my own list started and ………….well I may just do something now! Your personality shows through your writing………..and makes you so very likeable!

    thank you


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