Raw Art Journaling Giveaway

So glad you all enjoyed my review of the book Raw Art Journaling. I’ve actually got one extra book to give away, courtesy of the author Quinn McDonalds.

Edit: the giveaway is closed and I’ve emailed the winner, Anna. Congratulations Anna!

Raw Art Journaling cover

To enter, please let me know one fun or interesting fact about your creativite life, in the comments below! Thx! You know what to do, and I’ll do random draw this weekend.

When the giveaway is finished I will close the comments (so then you can’t comment) but until then… comment away!

PS: Did you notice I’ve put an archive page in the main menu above? Have a look, it’s neat! I have no idea why wordpress removed the automatic archive function, but now I’ve finally made myself a blog archive where you can find posts by month or by year (with posts dating back to 2004!) and by subject such as categories or most used tags in the tag cloud. Fun fun fun!

106 Responses

  1. My art journal is also my prayer journal. I don’t know if that is really interesting, but I experience it as both fun and interesting.

    • Christy, don’t be too modest – it’s you and not anyone else who decides what is interesting in your life, never forget that! I think a prayer journal sounds very intriguing – do you write your prayers or…? I’m curious now! :-)

      • I have a variety of ways of praying with art. I color, draw and doodle many of my prayers. Sometimes if I am drawn to an image, I illustrate it, asking for illumination of its meaning for my life; often just a playful dialogue and communion with the sacred in color.

  2. I love to make patchwork out of odd things that aren’t fabric!

    • Angela, me too, love sewing together papers! What else do you make patchworks with? Curious! :-)

  3. Oh gosh I really hope I win this, I added the book to my Amazon wishlist right after reading your review. One thing about my creative life- I work a lot better if I drag my art supplies into the living room as opposed to working at my desk. It’s annoying, but true.

    • Erica, thanks for commenting! That is a fun fact indeed, especially since I’ve just moved and now my desk is in the middle of the living room (I’ve just got one room), but the desk is my main creative place so now it’s the main furniture piece in the apartment too! :-)

  4. Crossing my fingers and toes, it is on my wishlist as well!! :) The book looks fantastic, thank you both for the giveaway.

  5. As i commented on your review, i would love this book. It’s on my wishlist ;)
    Something about my creative life ? I discovered I could be an artist only 3 years ago.

    Thanks a lot for the giveaway <3

  6. My inspiration is strongest at about 4:30am, so I keep a pad and pen beside the bed. I write down all the ideas and then go back to sleep.

    • Zom is it the European in you that wants you to wake up and create in the middle of the night? Thanks for the reminder, I’m going to bed now and putting an open notebook by my bed because I’ve been dreaming very vivid images lately but then I forget so quickly what it was about!

      • I am not sure how I have given the impression that I am european, though I like it…
        The truth is that I am an american who lives in Australia. Not nearly so romantic.

  7. I realized late in life that I was creative, even though those closest to me saw it all along. Now I can’t stop creating and think about it all the time.

    Thanks for the opportunity! Good luck everyone!

    • Verna, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment! Always fun to find new names/see new faces around here!

  8. One fun thing about my creative life? When I need to go to the art store to buy a new art supply (color, or album, whatever), I also buy at least one Copic pen, one oil pastel, one prismacolor, one 1 oz Golden color….it ends up costing more than an insignificant amount!

    • Lucie, you are not alone. I also love new pens and think a black marker is better than dark chocolate! ;-)

  9. I started my own business using my creative side! I taught myself to weave and cane furniture and it turned into a full time job!!!! I love your website and even tho Im a newbee, i can promise you Ill be back!

    • Another newbee! Donna – everyone is welcome to join in and you’re welcome back too. Had to google “caning furniture”, never encountered that phrase before but now I know. Cool stuff indeed! :-)

      Thanks for commenting everyone! This is fun!

  10. I actually have to work in cycles- six weeks of art journaling, then a total switch to four straight weeks of doing nothing but making beads, then three weeks of making jewelry, then three more weeks of art journaling, then three weeks of drawing, etc. I just all the sudden *SWITCH* when the time feels right and focus only on the one thing. Then I switch again. I just can’t seem to do more than one sort of creativity during a “cycle”, as much as I would love to…

  11. Art Journaling, scrapbooking, card making, quilting, needlepoint are all things I love to do…They gave me confidence to try new things. My husband was building a deck/handicapped ramp for my dad and his help all abandoned him after the first day so my crafting experience gave me confidence to dig in and help out. I cut boards, screwed them down, worked on the roof and I loved every minute of it. Now I am planning on making my own shelves to stain, paint and collage the shelves. They will hold my inks, paint, glitter, and stamps.

  12. Oooh! I just added this book to my wishlist! My interesting fact is that I started developing my artistic voice after working as a freelance writer doing arts reviews for a few years. I was tired of always thinking, “I could do that!” and decided to actually do it! Now, I’m working as an arts teaching and spending all of my time, just about, in creative pursuits. :)

  13. Hi Hanna
    I decorate my pages with rubber stamps I made myself of my spirit helper animals (I work shamanically) and also of Tibetan meditation symbols – I like them because they’ll just look interesting to others but have masses more significance for me!

  14. I find the most rewarding part of making anything is the problem solving. I tend to make unusual things, and so problem solving is a big part of it. More than anything, I love a good construction challenge, although making things pretty is fun too. I love that art can encompass many things, aesthetics (of course), engineering, science, psychology, pop culture, humour, etc, etc, and any combination of those. Art journaling allows
    me to brain dump all the other things I am thinking about and focus on one thing in particular if I want to. It’s my favourite tool to clear my mind and focus my attention.

  15. I like to draw pics from Bible verses I’ve read. I’m not at all creative and just started this art journaling thing less than a month ago. I’d LOVE some more sources of info and inspiration….

  16. I haven’t tried Art Journaling yet but have seen so many other people out there doing it and I find it very intriguing. Hard for me to just let go so this might just be the thing to get me started. I love bright colors and the ability to bring a simple line image to life then give it to someone to brighten their day.

  17. An interesting thing? Right now, what’s grabbed my interest is using what I have aleady…making it work, and trying really hard to not buy much, ’cause I really do have more than enough! And, I’m managing to make some really cool things!

  18. I don’t really know what fun or interesting thing I could say about my creative life. My life is all about creativity whether it’s in the act or the thought. I have to be creative in most aspects of my life. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn’t.

  19. Right now I’m experimenting with encaustic painting, which is painting and collaging with wax layers that you melt together. It’s definitely a fun medium, and one in which you have to let go of the end product, because you can’t always control how the wax melts.

  20. What a great giveaway! I would like to do more journalling. One of my favourite art experiences was teaching 2 children’s art courses at Haliburton School of Fine Arts (northern Ontario) Loved it and learned a lot! That is what I want to do when I grow up/retire – teach art to children>

  21. I’m a closet crayon doodler! I must be in my second childhood.

  22. I think the most interesting fact about my creative life would be that 98% of the time I don’t plan. I read about people who plan journal pages/paintings/ out first but I can’t seem to work that way. If I feel the need to paint or work in my art journal I just whip it out and go for it. No planning, just emotion :)

    I have my fingers crossed for this book; it has been on my watchlist since you did the review! xxoxx Rhiannon

  23. Ooh! I really want this book!! I hope I win :) My creative life… hmm… I teach elementary school art, so I get to be creative every day.

  24. Gosh my creative life has been on strike lately! I wish I could strike a deal with it but nope not lately! Dealing with so many health issues it’s been very hard to do anything creative. So I have been reading a lot of books lately and puttzing around online at all the fun art blogs. Love this new book

  25. I have been wanting to get back to a regular art practice after years of being away from painting and am now making headway on this goal. Interestingly it wasn’t art per se that got me moving – it was writing with fountain pens and doodling page numbers or bits of paper as I was between thoughts. Now I’m playing with ink and even mixing my own colors to use in my art journal. I would really love to win this book and get more inspiration. Thanks for a fabulous giveaway and amazing blog!

  26. Hip, hip… hooray, a giveaway! :]
    What is fun about my creative life…
    I get to wake up each day doing what I love, making art.
    How could ask for more in life? <3

  27. :-) This book looks like good fun :-D
    *It was you Hanna who inspired me to dare to start an art journal*
    :-P I have a way too huge stash… I can’t toss a good piece of paper, label, plastic bag etc as long as it seems useful or pretty… It overgrows me… aaaaarrrgggghhh:-P

  28. With my craft it is like other things in my life. Everything is changing all the time.
    30 years ago I was a classic lace maker. Than I began to make quilts. About 10 years ago I discovered crazy quilting. And now I do mixed media, paper collages, journal making. All is on my blog :)
    I follow your blog for a while now and one day I try journaling without threads!
    Would love to get that book and try something new ;-)

  29. I am a creative dabbler. I love to try all sorts of new crafty projects. While I know that’s sometimes viewed as a negative thing (I don’t excel in any one art medium), I like to think of it as continuing to learn new things – and I love to play with incorporating ideas I learned making one type of art into another type of art. Keeps things interesting! Thanks so much for this great giveaway, Hanna!

  30. I love your blog and the book looks great. Whether I’m allowed to enter or not (I’m from New Zealand) I’ll share something about my creative life. I’m a big time Left Brainer and very critical. I have had to accept this and go with it. I spend more time reading blogs about creativity than doing it. I’ll have to look at and analyse other people’s processes until late at night until I find the courage to make a mark on a page. The silly thing is that when I do make a start, I usually like what I have done and shouldn’t have wasted a whole lot of time. But that is where I am at and I am happy with the baby steps I am taking. :D

  31. OOOH, thank you for this giveaway!!!
    Fingers crossed! :)

    In my creative life I’ve noticed a thing: I’ve changed my mind about a lot of things! Let me explain with exemples:
    – I wasn’t interested in patchwork, now I’m obsessed
    – I wasn’t interested in making amigurumi (I though they were a stupid thing to make), now I’m making a lot of amigurumi
    – I hated collage, now I want to try
    – etc etc.
    Probably it’s not a strange thing, probably it’s simply part of the process of rediscovering your creative soul. But for me it’s amazing!

  32. I’ve discovered that I feel less inhibited when using coloured pencils. They’ve helped me loosen up and actually draw things instead of just doodling. I’d love to have this book–it looks awesome!

  33. A wonderful giveaway indeed. I have this book on my (long, very long) wish list.
    What I think is fun about my creative life is how it is slowly taking over more and more of my time and space. I used to be this person who made something like once every few weeks on a whim on a small table, clearing everything away afterwards. Now my entire house is my art studio. I have places to work all over the house and work at them on a daily basis. I have truely developed an artistic practice, which I think is just wonderful. I have also found I can’t do art for a living, it has to remain a passion, a pleasure with no strings attached. So I keep my day job and my only wish is that I can one day cut down on that to have even more time for artsy endeavours! ;-)

  34. Hej Hanna!
    I daydream… I think that’s a very important creative activity! Just sit and look at the clouds and let my mind flow with them. No plan, no goal, just ideas drifting through my mind.. sometimes the ideas stick, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they come back another day. But the important thing is to be open to them… :-)

  35. Books always make me happy. Whether I make them myself or look through other people’s books. I cannot imagine a world without books.

  36. Hei.
    For en flott giveaway.
    Jeg har startet litt med A.J. Skal bli spennende å prøve videre.
    Kjøpte en tegnebok til 29,- kr.
    Et sted må man starte, utforske og leke.
    Ha en fin dag. :)

  37. That’s exactly what I need, a chance to win a book to cheer me up while living with my in-laws:-)))

    Ok here is something hopefully interesting: When it’s a grey, rainy day outside and my mood in heading down a spiral I imagine every raindrop being a little, red cartoon-like heart that is falling on and all around me. That makes me feel warm inside again. You can also try to cartoon-paint ugly environments in your mind.

  38. I’m always shifting my focus to new crafts, it’s a little bit weird but I’m always looking to find something new to discover, sometimes I’m watercoloring, other times just using acrylic, knit, cross stitch, everything at once!

  39. I don’t know how interesting it is, but most of my friends don’t even know that I draw and paint. It’s a secret!

  40. For a few years I’ve been trying to ignite my creative side through creating art. I’ve long been a writer, but now I doodle, play with paint, charcoal, pastels, and crayons.

    I remember being freely creative as a child, but as adults and other kids chastised me for using materials in ways aside from their intended purposes, I shied away. I remember a 3rd grade teacher giving me a good scolding for coloring a forest scene in different shades of green, yellow, and violet. “Trees are not yellow or purple!” she angrily declared. Even now, her response boggles my mind. It was almost like my vision scared the people around me making me feel like a freak.

    Anyway, I guess all I can say about my creative life is that I am in recovery. ;)

  41. My interesting craft thing – I’m more renowned for the mess I make then the things I make :D I’m ever so slightly proud of that too…

    OH! And I totally forgot! I insulted the entire Barcelona first division football team once at the airport with my sketchbook alone! (it was an accident, they forgave me, we laughed, they autographed and drew in my sketchbook and then my evil art teacher took the sketchbook to mark it and never returned it).

  42. I am inherently not creative – or maybe I am… I tend to be very linear in thought and I am a law teacher. But at home, I knit like crazy and cut out all kinds of things from magazines and just make collages in sketch books with pictures and words that I love. I want to be creative, but somehow I have always equated “creative” with “artistic” – which I’m not. I can’t draw to save my life. But colors and textures and words appeal to me and I’m trying to let that side of me speak more loudly than it has.

  43. This is a great giveaway! Something interesting about my creative life is that I cannot focus on just one thing at a time! Every time I sit down to work on art projects or journaling, I bring out all of my materials and use a bit of everything in what I’m doing.

    Btw, LOVE your blog!!

  44. Oh how I would love to have this book! Not sure how creative or interesting it is, but I like to use found ephemera in my art journal (receipts, scribbled notes, advertisements/posters, ticket stubs, leaves, etc). Thank you for the giveaway!

  45. Hi Hanna, normally I don’t win anything but it’s impossible without trying. Something fun about my art…..well I get very very inspired by just looking at my colours, paints, crayons, markers and all that holds colour. That’s fun to me. Something interesting is that I need variety to be able to do my best. A bit of this and that works best for me.

  46. My creative life centers me. When I don’t make time for it on a regular basis I feel out of sorts. I’ve only discovered this side of myself in the last year or so and am so at peace when i’m sitting at my art table playing with my “stuff”

  47. hmm… my creative life is like this “focus madly and doing 1 type of arts, stop, and then try another, then goes back.” I started playing with art journal a couple of years ago, stopped, picked it back up, stopped, then played with the Wreck This Journal book recently and still doing it. I did try other things in between. Like making felt creations, rubber stamps, leather stuff (now). I think I will always be making, drawing something, or thinking about things to make. Creating has and will always be a part of my life. :)

  48. Being creative is the best stress reliever I know . . . whether it be sewing, journaling, crocheting, or whatever I am doing at the time. This books looks wonderful!

  49. What I love the most when working with color and paint are the splotches all over my hands and underarms. I wear them as a kind of embellishment over the next day, not worrying about cleaning them thoroughly since they remind me of the fun I had ^^

  50. An interesting thing about my creative life… I find that being creative is not about the supplies you have. I find I am more creative when I restrict myself to just one or two things. If my project still lacks a little something after I have created it I can always go back and add :) Athough I do like to drag all my supplies out from time to time and just look through them like a kid in a candy store…

  51. I have several four-legged assistants in my creative endeavors that tend to inspire my work! It’s a fact… does that count? I know you have your creature, Smilla- right? >^..^<

    I love your blog, thanks for the inspiration- I won't forget it.


  52. Hi Hanna ! This book looks like a really cool one to add some new bits to your journaling style. Thanks for the giveaway!
    One thing about my creative life is that I think I actually get withdrawal symptoms when I don’t art journal. It is kinds of an itchy, grumpy, lost feeling that always feels better when I fill a page with something from inside me. I have always said that art journaling it the best therapy there is !
    Good luck to all !
    Cheers !

  53. I suppose my first art journal was my high school notebooks. When I finished school, I went through all my folders and cut out all my little doodles and pictures I’d drawn when I should have been studying and stuck them in a sketch book. I still have it in a box somewhere :)

  54. I have found that nothing energizes your creative life more than making a definite commitment to it. I recently helped organize a Visual Journaling group which meets monthly so I know that I willing be working in my Journals on a regular basis. We have a specific challenge for a page each month which we view as a group at the meetings, along with other activities. This, too, is very stimulating. So, whether to a group or to solely to yourself, make the commitment!


  55. An interesting thing about my creative life is that the direction it takes is not always the one I expected! Sometimes the end product is nothing like what I intended and those are the projects I like the best! Love your blog, it’s an inspiration!

  56. I have noticed how much more creative I am when I shed all expectations of quality in the results of my crafty endeavors. Most importantly, I have much more fun when I decide to “just do it” instead of dream of having the perfect project.
    I love your blog, thanks for sharing, and inspiring us!

  57. Jag hoppas på tur…

    Mitt kreativa liv lyfts för tillfället upp av min femåriga dotter som älskar att pyssla och rita med mig. Det är mysigt och väldigt inspirerande att skapa med henne vid min sida. :-)

  58. I love being inspired by new books, trying new ideas. This book would be great.

  59. I find that sometimes I have to pretend I don’t want to do anything creative and then sneak up on it and “phazhoonka”! There I am creating! :)
    I love that book – I’ve put it on my wishlist at my favourite book store.

  60. Having my art journal in my car has made me relish the construction that has plagued our town this summer. 20 minute delay? That’s 20 blissful minutes of art journaling! Time I wouldn’t have had otherwise. (of course I get so lost in the creative process I don’t notice the line of cars moving again so I’ve been beeped at a lot! Oops!)

  61. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway! I don’t know if this is particularly “interesting”, but I would say that an ongoing characteristic of my art and crafting life is its lack of focus. I try so many different things: collage, mail art, crochet, sewing, polymer clay, art journaling, painting, card making, rubber stamping, book arts, ATCs and postcards, etc, etc, etc. I can’t even focus my art space…I spread out from living room, to dining room, to basement. It’s getting epidemic! While I love doing all kinds of varied things, I sometimes wish I could focus a bit and make more than just a few of any given thing!

  62. my sun conure Skye hangs out on my shoulder all day while I craft. I would love to win that book. And your blog is awesome.

  63. I have started over with a second batch of kiddos. The oldest three are 22, 19, and 15 the two youngest are 2.5 and 11 months so I have very little time to sew or journal however I read blogs for the inspiration and enjoyment as the kiddos play or watch tv. I can be available and more aware of what they are doing when on the computer and I don’t get as grumpy when interrupted every two seconds as when doing art. : )

  64. Thanks for the chance to win this book!! What I’m noticing lately about my creative life is that the more I do creative things, the more I’m finding inspiration in the everyday and mundane. If I work in my art journal more, I’m drawn to drawing everyday objects (which I don’t usually do), or if I draw, I find I want to work on 3D projects. It’s a circle, it seems.

  65. A fun or interesting fact of my creative life? LOL I guess that the fun thing is that I try to make art (art journaling) and mostly just use junk to make it. So I have a little workspace with drawers and containers full of little scraps of paper and self made waste papers. A box with ‘texture’ tools, stamps made from foam glued to cardboard and so on.
    It even does not look much like real things – it just looks like junk!

  66. A fun or interesting fact about my creative life, hmmm… A rather funny fact is that I quite often get ideas (for some of my work) while brushing my teeth or having a shower. It can be rather frustrating actually. If I have to do something uncreative I also find myself a lot more creative. That “I just can’t help myself from creativing something” sets in and I end up forcing myself to stay focused on the boring things. I’m a firm believer in that crativity generates more creativity and inspiration and that you have to work for it. (sometimes very hard!)

  67. Creative is when I start.When I accomplish it brings me joy. It would be great to win the book. Thanks for a chance.

  68. I enjoy creating at my art desk the most when my pup Bella curls up at my feet to stay close to me while I work. :-)

  69. Well, I guess it would be that even though I’m in my early 50’s I’m still growing, learning and trying new types of artistic things and that I just keep adding them to my list of things I do instead of really stopping any. (I have not actually tried art journaling yet, but it’s like an itch I can’t quite reach to scratch! I’ll get to it soon and when I do, watch out!) I sometimes — knit, embroider, make art quilts, bead, make mail art, I’m into photography, love to write letters — you name it, I probably do it.

    Thank you for the chance to win. This looks like a wonderful book!


  70. I have recently had a break through in my art journaling; I am using new types of found materials and exploring layering more. For whatever reason, I feel most creatively charged late at night when I should be sleeping instead.

  71. Jag behöver en piska i nacken för att det ska bli bäst. Jag behöver en deadline. Jag behöver ett stopp. Jag behöver en gräns. Utan piska, gräns, deadline & stopp blir det för mycket, för mycket av allt, ingenting, blekt och ibland ointressant.

    I need a serious deadline, I need a stop, limitations – that´s when I´m at my best. Otherwise it´s everything and nothing, pale and mushy.

  72. I finally moved all my creative stuff upstairs into our large and sunny attic room. The funny thing is I could have done it years ago but never thought I would need this space, love this space. It feels great to have my own creative space. I can see the sky from my working place – right beneath a window. I call it my “window to heaven” …
    I enjoy reading your blog so much. It is a wonderful source of inspiration (like sewing paper). Thanks for sharing.

  73. Hello! How fun to read everyone’s tidbits about their creative lives :)
    I have four fantastic kids that are always helping me in my creative life…they offer me inspiration most importantly, but so verily often they offer me those little happy mistakes that take my arts in all kinds of wild directions! Sometimes they put handprints or fingerprints or crayola marks or extra drawings on whatever I’m creating, heehee!

  74. Well….I’m usually in my pajamas LOL and I love that moment when I’ve planned out the process or design and all of a sudden that AHA moment happens and it ends up looking nothing like what I planned ;-)

  75. Icollect forgotten notes from the sidewalk, empty sticker sheets, and people’s trash (mostly paper) to use in my journal. also, when i spend some time with my art journal i can feel the tension disappearing from my shoulders – it’s great meditation!

    thanks so much for offering this giveaway, hanna! i have one going on right now, too; it’s open til friday. check it out here!:

  76. In the past I’ve always wanted to be able to express myself with art journaling but I was too critical with myself. Recently though, something has changed, I’ve been enjoying the process more and I care less about the result, which I think is the real point.
    Fingers crossed for this awesome book and keep up your wonderful work.

  77. An interesting thing about my creative life is; the busier I am the more art I do, when I actually have time and I sit down to do some “art” I am blocked! What is up with that?
    Thanx for the opportunity to enter Hanna

  78. Great giveaway Hanna! The interesting thing that I’ve discovered is how intertwined my art is with my healing and ability to find hope and even joy while learning to live with chronic illness and disabilities. The fun is in the journey of learning, exploring, experimenting and connecting with others.

  79. The tidbit about my creative life that’s a bit interesting is that the jewelry I make for others is so very, very different from what I make for myself. It’s almost as if I can’t merge the two styles, or make something in my personal style for someone else.

  80. Lovely giveaway Hanna! Hmmmm…something interesting about my creative life? Well, I have a lot of strange rituals that I “need” to do while I do art: specific painting shirts, sci-fi on TV, a fresh cup of coffee, a specific paint water jar, a clean work surface. I have a hard time concentrating if I don’t have all my items in place.

  81. the most interesting thing: i’m 52 and just getting started in art. it’s Fun!

  82. My creative life takes place all over the house. If my ‘extra’ desk is taken up with school books, then the top of my washer/dryer becomes an area to paint and let things dry. And I would rather have a shopping spree at an art supply store or book store than any jewelry store.

  83. While I’m working on artsy pursuits I watch movies and TV shows on my laptop that’s propped permanently on my desk. People always ask me how I’m not constantly distracted but I really prefer dialogue over music, not sure why. It has to be something I’ve seen before, not something new so it feels familiar and inspiring. I watch the same dozen or so movies over and over again. Thanks for the giveaway!

  84. I have recently renew by knitting abilities and am thoroughly enjoying it. I first knitted in my preteens to 20’s but gave way to crocheting the last 30yrs. Tried a couple of yrs ago but couldn’t do it. We have a craft group and work and they all knit so out of self defense I started again and am loving it. More than that, I am trying to watercolor and sketch. Wish I had your skills Hanna!!!

  85. Ooh, this book looks so great! Congrats to you!!
    For me, creating “anything” has a magical way of impacting all areas of my daily life. I’m so much more happier and “alive” when I take time to create. Maybe it’s a little tag, maybe it’s a huge painted canvas…but creating is something I couldn’t and wouldn’t ever deny myself.

  86. I discovered that I don’t need the latest and or the best to be productive…I have learned to improvise and just let the art happen. It makes me happy!

  87. One interesting thing about my creative life… I’ve been creative and playing with different things since I was four years old. Though I only started art journaling about a year and a few months ago. I just recently worked up the guts to start new journals too… I got over the fact that I thought I had to do every journal in a row and finish a journal before starting another. Those thoughts are over!! Thanks for hosting this giveaway! :)

  88. My creative tools, a journal and many art supplies are always close at hand laying open even when I am doing commercial work, waiting for a little bit of attention during a busy work day!

  89. Hi Hanna,
    I missed being #100 but I’ll still have a go at it. You want a story about creativity. Well somedays I start my day in my art studio. I mean before everything else. No breakfast, still in pajamas, I just jump immediately into creating. I get lost in that world and it makes the day wonderful. I do eventually get dressed and have breakfast but it becomes more like brunch since its so late when I get to it.


  90. A fact about my creative life, although I’m not sure how interesting it is, is that i go though periods of scrappers/journaling block where I just feel very non-inspired. But when I’m in the zone, I get all kinds of stuff done!:)

  91. I am known to get so excited about a project that I stay up all night working. Granted I may have to redo what I did in the wee hours, but I love going to sleep with that excited “I made something” feeling.

  92. Hello Hanna,

    Something interesting strange about my art journaling? I started it when I also started with a meditation group. Somehow it helps getting more creative. After a while I noticed that I picked up this new hobby at the same time I started joining the group. Funny, isn’t it?