Custom made alphabet stamp set

My set of letters

I don’t know if anyone (except the four that commented) was interested in How to custom make a unmounted letter set but I personally love the photos, so here are some more! Hehe. This is the finished set, though I need to start using it too.

Unmounted I had a look into the giftwrapping shelf and instantly found what I was looking for; a box for my mounted letter stamps! A light-weight paper box that is sturdy, shallow and small enough for all the letters to be viewable but not spread around too much. It’s a Dior perfume gift box, and I love how great it looks filled with these stamps! Perfect!

Set of stamps

    My set of lettersThe good writer seems to be writing about himself, but has his eye always on that thread of the Universe which runs through himself and all things.

    /Ralph Waldo Emerson

Set of stamps
They kind of look like tiny radios in a shop window to me. Little pink radio heads with letters on three sides, piled up and ready to deliver a message into the world.

Set of stamps

Set of stamps

I look (and feel) like a total dork with tape between my eyes as my broken glasses only held together for two days after my visit to the optician. It will be another week until I get new ones, but if I need to go somewhere I have old lenses that I can use. I’m reading so many great posts online (and very personal ones – thanks for sharing, those I’ve commented on knows what I’ve read this week) that I wish I could produce today too, but I don’t have the energy or inclination right now.

What was it again that I was supposed to do when life gave me lemons? I totally forget all the time…

16 Responses

  1. Ah, someone else who forgets all the time what the next idea/project is…. I am not alone.

    This is wonderful Hanna, it’s so time consuming but well worth the doing. I like how you’ve even put an ink-pad in with the stamps so that there’s no need to hunt one down….

    I hope your glasses get sorted soon, I know how annoying that can be when they break. I’ve always kept my old pair as a spare, just in case.

  2. Vilket jobb! Beundrar ditt t?lamod med “pillet” ;-) Fin bilder ocks?.

    Du Hanna, nu vet jag att det ?r snart ?r hundra ?r sen du vann tavlan hos mig. T?nkte att jag kanske skall se till och l?gga den p? posten ?t dig.. f?r jag vet inte n?r jag hinner ta mig iv?g till andra sidan stan nu ;-)

    Kan du maila din adress igen… f?r jag hittar den inte bland min mail nu.

    Kram Jenny

  3. What a fun stamp set! Very clever way to personalize it!

    Oh, and how about making lemon meringue pie with those lemons, for a change? ;-)


    PS Expect something in the mail soon…

  4. i have been lurking about enjoying your blog for some time now. i thought it was time to say hello and let you know how inspiring it is. at the end of the day i like to be able to say i have done something creative. sometimes it is just a little art with the kids but it makes me feel fulfilled.

  5. Really wonderful photos! Such creativity to boot. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comments. Tack s? mycket!

  6. come ON!
    this is awesome!!
    It’s great to see it all finished, shiny and neat, ready to do your bidding.

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