Weekly Inspiration: Pale like Ice

Happy February sweet ones! It’s the #valentinemonth – yay! Now, I would like to know: what inspires you?

This is what I’m inspired by right now: unusual self-portraits; the pale blue colour of ice, sky, ocean and snow; tiny notebooks; collections of little things; work tables (messy or extremely neat) and worn, wooden table tops; a snow owl; little beams of planted green on the windowsill that brighten the mood while the world outside is void of green (or any colour except the pale ice like blue)…

Mosaic Inspiration December 2012 & January 2013
All visual in Inspiration Mosaic above, from flickr, collected December 2012 & January 2013. View big here, or click on the image to see links to the source/photographer.

Also inspired by the way light comes in through my window in the morning and today’s visit to the library. It’s been a while since I went book browsing and I enjoyed it a lot.

Quite a few new links on the page of inspirations (bookmarks of fun stuff and good articles to read) linked via Delicious. Check it out.

Below a few links to things I’ve liked this week. I hope you enjoy too!

  • Increase Reader Engagement on Your Blog, where Abigail writes: When a blog reader is actually on your blog you should treat
    them to some photos of you. Whether the blog reader is a fellow
    crafter, or the editorial director at a publishing house, or an illustration
    agent, or your neighbor, they all want to see your face, your hands, and your
    studio no matter how messy it may be. These
    are real people who are there looking at what you’ve done and they want to
    connect with you. Make it easy!

    You can increase your blog’s power to connect with readers
    10-fold, 100-fold even, by posting a good head shot and at a studio shot of you
    in action doing your craft. Put it in a prominent spot on your blog that’s easy and intuitive to find. We will be much less likely to forget about you if we have seen what you look like. It’s true!

  • How to Write Faster and Get Organized with Scrivener
  • Organising a photo library with Lightroom
  • Lincoln – Movie pick of the week! I saw it at the cinema yesterday and even though it was a lot of political talk that I didn’t really get – I loooved it; the acting, the strong feelings, the important subject, the change. Great movie!

4 Responses

  1. I’m going to see Lincoln tonight with my family. I wonder if some of the political stuff didn’t make sense since you live in Sweden? Who knows, maybe it will be over my head too (I’ve lived in the US my whole life; I would LOVE to visit Sweden).

    Hearts, pink, snow and sunshine are inspiring me right now!

    • Some of the political stuff was over my head–they spoke so quickly! But I did really enjoy it. I learned a lot!

  2. Wonderful pics you have shared :) and thanks for inspiring me, I will sure check out those links! Have a wonderful Sunday!

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