Collage Kids and the Flickr Addiction

ATC collages
My very first ATC, the Fly to the moon ATC, and Garden Girl ATC.

I don’t know how this happened, but I now have a flickr addiction!

I have to blame Ron Huxley (rehuxley at flickr) for my poor condition because he gave me a Pro account which means I can upload as many photos as I like each month to my account! He is a great artist (I’m a real fan of his collages and altered books) and as he said devious in a generous sort of way, since I now can create and upload any amount of images…

Oh well, he is not the only one to blame. I have to blame all of the Collage Kids too! They tricked me into my new addiction since they were so welcoming and even liked some of my Artist Trading Cards. Since I started making ATC’s (that was in the last days of April) I’ve sent away 58 cards!! (Note: not to 58 persons though, that would’ve ruined me too, some were in swaps or 3 for 3) How about that? Crazy!

Fact about frakt (stamp cost):
(Postage in Sweden to any other country is about $ 1,5 (10 SEK) and from US to Sweden it’s about 50 to 80 cent it seams. I think Posten needs to reconsider their policy!)

Smile Miss Butterfly The Collage Kids is kind of a membership club (free to join!) at with an enormous pool of pictures to browse and a great discussion forum where you can get some tips if you suffer from Materials Separation Anxiety or get asurans that your are not the only one with Saving, Gathering and Organization-problems! If you’d like to trade your ATC’s, just upload them and join the Collage kids, all of the non-traded ones are tagged COLLAGEKIDSATC!

Of course flickr is cool in a lot of ways. The photos are easy to upload, titles and descriptions are amazingly easy to add and you make a album in a second. Two of my albums are :

rOses bokmärken
Album with Roses (more will be added later), since I love these flowers so much. Hope I’ll find some living outdoor flowers this summer to add to this album.


Colours – photos with lots of bright colours will be added to this album. I just love how easy it is to make thumbnails and view the album at flickr. I mean, after being a web designer in a former life I know what I’m talking about since I’ve made thousands of thumbnails if Photoshop and arranged galleries html-like!

I hope the summer vacation in July will cure me from my flickr-addiction, but not from my creativity!

4 Responses

  1. Hey, I am always glad to contribute to artistic addictions! I can’t go a day without using flickr myself. Glad you are enjoying the pro account. Thanks for sharing links to my site!

  2. I know I spend WAY too much time on Flickr, but it’s been good for my creative side. One of my contacts called Flickr “the new obsessive compulsive disorder”and there was a discussion on FlickrCentral called Flickr is Crack so you’re not alone! I had a week away from Flickr when I went to Big Bend Park and didn’t miss it too much but when I got back I was still addicted. July is almost here…hope you have a great vacation. Bring back photos!

    Postage from U.S. to Europe is supposed to be 87 cents for a 1-ounce envelope. Sometimes I use old stamps left over from childhood stamp-collecting so it adds up to more than 87.

  3. There is so much inspiration to be found via flickr – no matter what a persons skill or technique or interest! Vive flickr!

  4. I would like to make some ATC’s…do you have a *how to *blog on making them? I scrapbook and since visiting your website now have another project to add to my list of stuff I wanna do! Bought the paper at ?hlens and LOVE it! More roses!!!

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