Rag Rug | Layers of fabric

I feel a wee bit sorry for my self today. I have back pains and have been eating strong medicine to ease of the pain. The house is a mess and all I want to do is continue to crochet on my rag carpet! Add more layers of fabric yarn to the project.

Rag carpet in the making

I got these balls of striped fabric Wednesday when Maria and I went thrifting. I have been wanting to weave for about two years, but never found the right place and time. It will come someday I’m sure. But since Li inspired me to crochet with fabric, I wanted to give it a try when I found these balls of fabric.

The wonderfull colours just makes me smile. They are so me.

Fabric yarn

Sunshine and summer colours: pink, orange, green, yellow!

Start of the rag carpet

More people that is adding layers at Studio Friday today, but please add your comment first. I’d love to hear from you.

36 Responses

  1. Fantastic colors and a much easier til make a carpet this way.

    I just love your blog!

    Greatings from a journalist college from Norway

  2. The rug is going to be beautiful. How lucky you are to find the balls of fabric. Someone’s unfinished project. Will you show us again when it is finished? I think that is a great thing to do while recuperating from back pain.

  3. I agree with you about the colours here, they make me smile too and remind me of summer memories! This will be such a beautiful rug and I cannot wait to see the finished project!
    I hope that your back pains go away, such discomfort is NO FUN especially on the weekend!!
    Feel better!
    ~~Have a great weekend!!~

  4. i hope you feel better soon! back pain is never fun. i really love the rug you’re making. i’ve been wanting to knit or crochet something out of fabric for awhile now… it looks wonderful!

  5. I am so glad to see your rug!!! I am creating a reading nook on our back porch and I need a rug to cover up the ugly grey floor paint. I thought of crocheting one for myself because I have a lot of fabric, but I wasn’t sure if it would look good.

    Now that I see how fantastic yours looks, I can try one for myself. I’m glad to be able to choose my own colours. I doubt that Ikea would have exactly what I want

    Thanks :)

  6. Hello

    thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. I’m hoping that your back pain is easing. Your blog is wonderful – straight into my bloglines! Have you joined the Euro bottle swap then? I hope so.

    Love this rag rug – I was looking at an old book that showed yarn balls for rug making only last weekend – how odd!

  7. Hanna I hope your backpain will be soon over and I think your such a creative person .These colors are so beautiful :)

  8. i love those colors together….have fun..and i hope that you feel better soon…try some herbal tea, like chamomile and lavender…

  9. Those colors are happy, vibrant wonderful. the rug is to die for … .what a happy layered treat! Hope you are better now

  10. color punch! WOW!
    this would be great in my new room! so bright.. a great wake up for the eyes and tootsies. SUMMER, at your feet!

  11. Thanks for making me smile. The rug is great. I love the things you make. Get better soon.

  12. Hope you get better soon (I sometimes have back pain – so awful).

    I love your rag crochet… it is very inspired!

  13. This certainly brightened up my day! Love the carpet and I hope you don’t put it on the floor – way too beautiful! And I do hope you are feeling better by the time you read this! I’ve been plagued with back problems so I do “feel” for you! Feel better and keep up the beautiful work!

  14. I love the colors in your rug! Very vivid! Thanks for visiting my site (My Love) – have a fabulous day!

  15. I love your craft projects! Like this one and the died yarn… I am going to explore your site some more now.

  16. Hmmm….totally yummy rug! Makes me want a lollipop! I think I MUST make one for myself now! Thank you for the inspiration!!!!

  17. I love this idea! You’ve just inspired me! I have loads of fabric in my sewing room AND need an outdoor patio rug. A great summer project. Cheers!

  18. this is a georgeus rug and i wish i could do one..what an inspiration you are.i have back troubles every day and i know how you feel…hang in there…i love to crochet and just started to again but my trigger finger and tendunitus are acting up…beautiful rug.

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