Don’t go breaking my Beaded Heart now

Beaded Heart Art Wall hanging by iHanna
A beaded heart I made, part of a recent embroidery exhibition.

A Beaded Heart

The reason for this was a heart I sewed many years ago, when I wanted to do a whole series of stuffed embroidered hearts, but never got around to more than one – and that one I gave away (the pink velvet heart). So this stuffed fabric heart was in a box of UFO’s for a long time. Then when I saw it again I decided to finally go ahead and try out one of my ideas: to totally cover it up with beads. And no, I didn’t use any glue.

I sewed each individual tiny glass?bead into place by hand. It was a slow process, as all embroidery is, but very very satisfying.?

Beading WIP by iHanna

I got to use a lot of beads, which is always nice when there is a material that you have a lot of but feel you are under-utilizing. And then I got to sit with one of the super thin beading needles I bought two years ago and fish for just the right colors to add next to my already stuffed heart. Each little group of beads made the heart shimmer and shine just a little bit more, and oh wow…. Isn’t it just so pretty? I love it. A lot. I like all things that shimmer, but especially if I made it (or own it) and it shimmers especially for me.?

Beaded heart in Process;
Beaded heart by iHanna in process work photos

What do you think?

And since it is just a week until Valentine’s Day, my darlings, I am having a little sale on my embroidery workshop Stitch with Heart. It’s about how to make Artist Trading Cards with some mixed media ideas, but one of the cards has beading so you will learn a bit about that if you want to.

Valentine Sale February 6 -15 - get the online mixed media workshop right now

It is usually only 16 USD, but this week (until Sunday February 16th) it’s on sale for only 11 USD! Get it here.


7 Responses

  1. You’re beaded heart turned out gorgeous! I really enjoyed taking your Stitched With Love workshop! Would highly recommend it!

  2. This beaded heart is gorgeous!

    I bought your Stitched with Love workshop a while ago, but haven’t done it yet. I have started a list of all the resources that I have but haven’t used yet, like your workshop, so that I will use what I have before purchasing any more.

    • Thank you. I think such a list sounds like an awesome idea, and I hope it will help you focus on going through the workshop – and learn something new and create some Lovely Hearts!

      Let me know how it goes!

  3. I LOVE the beaded heart Hanna, awesome!!! I ‘shashiko-ed’ a jacket and jeans two years ago, it’s such a ‘Zen-thing’ to do isn’t it? I plan on embroidering my jeans-jacket this Spring too, if I can find the time for it (I need a good lamp so I can do it in the evenings…) Have a great weekend lovely one!

  4. Oh Hanna, your beaded heart is truly gorgeous and though I’ve never worked with beads before – now I’m thinking, oh my gosh – that sounds like so much FUN! I can’t take your workshop due to finances but I just wanted to let you know once again, how very inspirational you are (and you ARE, ya know?!!)

    I really know nothing about beads and beading but I am going to for sure keep this article and also keep in the back of my mind that I want to check into beading because I just know that it would be something I love doing! (HUGS)

    Thanks for sharing this!

  5. Gorgeous heart Hannah! And good job on completing one of those unfinished projects. That’s such a great feeling!