Journal with me: Documenting the Postcard Swap in my Traveler’s Notebook

Traveler's Notebook Randomosity 2020 by iHanna

I love documenting everything in my journals, be it big or small. And the 10th Anniversary of the DIY Postcard Swap (my annual swap that you can still join today if you want to make postcards) was definitely a big milestone for me, so of course I wanted to document in my Randomosity journal!

I documented it last year but I created a little “Journal with me” video that’t I am sharing today.

Video: Journal with me

Video: Documenting the Swap in my Randomosity TN – the swap turn 10 years old.

The page is not a favorite, and I don’t think it is very professional looking or anything, but sometimes it is more about the process or the idea behind it (my love of the swap and my feeling of being very grateful to everyone who has ever joined it) that matters most.

Sometimes it is better to get something documented & done than to wait for the right supply, feeling, moment – or ink for your tired printer, right? At least that is my philosophy when it comes to most things when it comes to creativity.

In other words: do it when you think of it, don’t wait too long. This might be especially true when it comes to documenting moments and memories, if you dont capture them right away you will forget about it and time will keep rolling as fast as it does sometimes.

Documenting the DIY Postcard Swap anniversary in my TN Randomosity

Documenting happy & sad things

In this same Randomosity journal I have also documented (and made process videos of) my birthday last year (that time I was swatching my metallic watercolor paints) as well as a spread on the pandemic although it’s probably time to document both again soon. I never imagined a year ago that we would still be living with the Corona virus around us at this time, but we are. Maybe it was a good thing that we didnt know then how much this would affect all our lives?

But in times like these I think that making handmade postcars and having people to send them to is more important than ever, so the swap is one choice you can make that will make life a little brighter.

To me, as it’s hostess, it has always been a bright light and I even made a book about it, that you can buy in the shop right now.

Documenting the DIY Postcard Swap anniversary in my TN Randomosity

Thanks for leaving me a comment below, about the swap, this spread in my journal or the video of me doing some mail art journaling – or anything else that you feel will add value to our shared experience.

Until next time, take care! And make (and send) handmade postcards!

1 Response

  1. You’re absolutely right to say don’t wait for the perfect moment or supply to document the memory or moment. I need to do this more often! Thanks for the gentle nudge and encouragement!
    My mom, grandmother, mother-in-law, and I are all excited about participating in your swap again this year! I even convinced my friend to join in for her first time! We’re all enjoying creating our postcards and are looking forward to receiving happy mail from around the world. While things might not look much different yet this year compared to last, I have noticed mail seems to be running much more smoothly, so hopefully that will help with the swap. Either way, definitely looking forward to it! Thanks for hosting!