365 Collages | Week 3

You begin with the possibilities of the material.

Robert Rauschenberg
Collage artwork by Hanna Andersson 2013-01-14 Spring Bouquet I

Last week I noticed I was finding my way back (very unintentional) to dots and circles, a theme that followed me through 2012. Right now I’m in experimental mode, trying many different things but also, indulging in my favorite colour.

Collage: Being Myself


Collage: Mind the Step

Hover over the image to know the title of each collage, and then let me know your favorite(s) in the comments! Thanks!

2013-01-14 A Grand Year it is

Experimenting. I’ve made purple collage, a colour I never every use or even like. I decided to push myself by doing something new and it always interesting to see what happens.

2013-01-15 In a black and white bubble

Many of you really liked the first black and white collage I made week 1, and so did I. I will make more, but here is a second one for now.

Collage: Remember me from last year
2013-01-12 Encoded Message

It’s so fun to see the 365 somethings inspire. I’m following along with Chris, Karen and Tammy and a few others that are doing the challenge along with me.

How is yours going?

Previous: 365 collages in 2013 | Week 2 and Next up is 365 Collages | Week 4

18 Responses

  1. These are all lovely 9even the purple one). My favorite is “In a Black and White Bubble.”
    Aloha, Kate

  2. Amazig how you follow through with tis challenge. Which one I like most? The second and the last two ones. ;-)
    Have a great day – Irma

  3. Love that pattern in the first one (spring bouquet). Love the purple one, and how the petals echo the bird wing. It’s hard to pick this week. They all look great!

  4. I like them each for different reasons but my two faves are spring bouquet & black and white bubble. I’m also working on 365 collages – joined in right away when you first mentioned it since I’d been realizing I wanted to find a focus for this year. Your idea gave me the impetus I needed to make a decision. I love seeing your weekly efforts…. I’ve been sick the last couple weeks so falling a little behind, but my fingers are itching to get glue on them again so I feel sure new collages are in my near future! :) Thanks for inspiring me to move forward. I love following Karen’s collages as well.

  5. I can’t choose just one! I like Mind the Step, In a Black and White Bubble and Encoded Message

  6. Hanna, I learn so much from you. This is the 365th time I’ve said that.

    Now: how do I post things and make the title come up when I hover?

    also: I love that black and white one, just as I loved the first BW one. But today, I think I’m in love with the one called Being Myself. I think it’s because the collages I’m doing right now are all pink, red, black and white, and it’s a real difference from what I usually do, as I almost never use red in my work. So now, I’m starting to make friends with it.

    If I forget: Happy Valentine’s Month!

  7. I love seeing your collages Hanna. They’re always inspiring and jolly good fun. My fave this week is A Grand Year It Is. I love purple…but it’s so much more than that. I love the shades, the balancing browns, esp. those pussy willows. I’m still playing along and having a blast. This has been a wonderful challenge. Thank you again!!

  8. I only started this project this week, but it is really enjoyable just to work on small pieces of collage. They are so cute and could be used in so many different ways. Thanks for the inspiration. I am sharing on my blog and so excited about pushing myself in a direction that I have kind of dreaded – Fearing I would not be good enough at it. Surprisingly enough it is great fun! Isn’t that what it’s all about anyway? Ha! Ha!
