Mini Gingerbread Houses in Christmas village

We made nine (9!) Mini Gingerbread Houses this year. I decorated three, my cousin Charlotta made three, my brother two and my mother one. Creating a Christmas Village takes a whole family of dedicated bakers.

Here they are:

My happy houses
The backside of two of my houses. They are happy houses, can you tell?

Chocolate roof house by my brother
The house of death and the Chocolate roof house that my brother made.

Our Mini Gingerbread Houses

The Blue Gingerbread House
Charlotta’s blue disco house, definitely the most stylish one of the lot.

Blue house

The striped gingerbread house
The striped house with liquorice roof.

The brick roof house
The brick house with my hand for size meausure.

My first house/try
My first try at the left with the ice bear and ketchup curtains. Ugh!

At Gingerbread lane
Mom’s house with the bear and my brother’s house with the scar, the hang snare and the evil cat on the front lawn.

Mikael's haunted gingerbread house
The haunted house gingerbread house from the side where you can view the spider net and the skull on the roof. I was surprised and very satisfied with my brothers ability to just through himself into the creating of these houses. I hardly ever see this side of him and I love when it blooms like this.

Me doing pink
Me with the raspberry house – my personal favorite because it looks so happy.

I hope those will inspire you to make something similar next year. Our houses was displayed in a long row on the dinner table on Christmas Eve, and are now placed on the mantle over the fireplace. They look awesome and I’m equally proud about my own houses as I am over the others!

Also see our preparations!

16 Responses

  1. How wonderful! Your brother’s house had me laughing so hard. I love the idea of all these colorful little houses lined up along the dining table. They’re all so pretty, and looking at the photos, I can feel the fun you all had making them together.

  2. Wow! These are gorgeous! i definitely want to do some haunted gingerbread houses for next Halloween with my niece. We did a gingerbread tree this year, but it didn’t turn out that great. I didn’t have any candy to use for decoration. Next time, I’ll make SURE I have a bunch of stuff on hand…I love what you’ve done here!

  3. Oh, that looked like great fun!..and the houses have smiles! That was SO cute! Made ME smile :)

  4. Wow, you’ve been busy! Lovely houses. BTW, you won the magazine giveaway in my blog a while back ; can you send me your address?


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