Buying handmade journals and notebooks at Etsy

I think there are great stuff to be found if you dig around on Etsy, like awesome handmade journals. Check out Etsy – where I also sell stuff and sometimes journals.
I’ve been checking out journals at Etsy, because I made that notebook junkie magnet so I’ve been thinking of my notebook addiction, and sporting it.
The seller bibliophil has a fun deal where he makes the book and you decide how you want it; design your own journal!
Kreativlink makes beautiful leather journals but as I’m not very found of leather I’d pick the vegan kind with painted fabric covers instead.
I also love the thick book of the deckled edge bindery, check out the green alligator one for example…
As I was just looking at handmade journals and Clare of Tiger Food Press in Portland tricked me (with a sale!) into buying (even though I did not really need one) a hand bound blank journal with a letterpress printed cover with silhouettes of flying peregrine falcons. It was only 19 USD (150 sek) including shipping to Sweden… I couldn’t help myself.
But actually looking at all of these gorgeous handmade books makes me more eager to make my own handmade journals and notebooks, more so than buying them. I guess I’m that kind of hands on gal after all.
DIY rocks.
You might also want to check out these from the Studio iHanna Shop
Javisst ?r anteckningsb?cker helt underbara, och man kan aldrig ha f?r m?nga !!!
Jag ?r ocks? supersugen p? att tillverka min egen dagbok. Har f?r mig att du gick en kurs om det tidigare f?resten?
Ett litet tips, Moxy,,
jag har inte k?pt hennes b?cker sj?lv, men de ser underbara ut. Hon har ocks? en blogg, d?rf?r k?nner jag till henne. :)
thanks for the link to the etsy seller! I added him to my faves so I could buy one when i have the $.
but really, what i want to do, is learn how to make my own!! I’ve never been a sewer, is it hard to learn to make them? any good how to sites or articles you could point out? I’ll have to come back and search your blog, I bet you have some info. under bookbinding, duh!
I just love your blog-I sometimes forget to stop by (I have to many on my list) but when I do, it’s always full of inspiration-thank you:)
I thought the same thing so I took a workshop to do just that. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever made! I will never make another, as a consequence I will most likely leave it blank and fill the store bought ones which took less effort, less personal investment, less poked fingers and frustration.
I am also a journal lover….and maker….happy shopping. Please share.
Oh, this is a fantasy of mine, buying handmade journals! As I move along on my journaling year I am hoping to learn more and more what I like in the journals I’ve already bought (many of which are not independently made!).
I am enjoying catching up with your blog after being SO busy.
tell me about having to may blogs to read… I know all about it. There are lots of tutorials and books on book binding, and there is many ways to do it. To make a proper book you have to do a gazillion steps, but you can also just do it the easy way, I made my art journal with the tutorial Teesha Moore has on her site. You can do it!
Thanks for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it!
thanks for the advice!! I am going to check out her tutorial. I signed up for a class with Zura, from creative clown, and there’s directions for Japanese stitching (I think that is what it was called) it looked like it might be ok? not sure though-I know me, I wouldn’t keep it up if there’s a gazillion steps, I don’t have the patience-
hope you have a great weekend!!