Fika with inspiring friends

You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.
Dale Carnegie

Last week I had coffee with two friends at my favorite museum, where we saw artist Anne Olofsson who had lots of scary photos and artists Mats Caldeborg who I enjoyed a lot (dead crow’s head on knifes, rusty houses and a painted elk under a chair! etc) – some of it I really liked. Museums is a great place for inspiration.

Virkar en mattaWhile having coffee there my friend Li told me about her projects. She wants to arrange a contest and exhibition in her home town, where everyone crafted will be asked to do a piece of altered furniture, redesign a old item, recycle something. Wow, big project but oh so cool! She showed me the bathroom mat she is crocheting, using stripes of old t-shirts as yarn. I love the idea, and also want to do something like that. She inspires me so much.

Also recently, my friend Elin, came by with her boyfriend on dinner. She mentioned that she wanted to try to make a cozy quilt, and I offered her several pieces of fabric frGröna äpplenom my stash of fabric. I felt almost like my mother who always lets me have pieces of her stash when I ask her. I can’t wait to see Elin’s quilt, but since she is a great climber and busy all summer, I think it will be a project for autumn for her.

Yesterday I had coffee with friend (fika). Lena who one day will become a published writer. Her words inspire me, and her pep talk to me. She always believe in what I do. We talked a lot about writing, both work stuff like essays and articles, but also about poem writing and fiction. And again it hit me, I used to love writing. Where can I find the time to do it some more and not just blog? Next week I will try to write something each day! Lena also gave me a belated birthday present. Wooohoo, that was so unexpected and fun. Thanks Lena!

In the evening I knitted and crocheted some at Kyrkstugan with my new friends there, Sandra & Annika. Sandra was writing down her thoughts on what her craft is about; reuse of old stuff where nothing old is useless. Annika was knitting on a white shawl that was repeatedly ripped but finally found some kind of form – it will be beautiful in the end.

Orange blommaIt is just so nice to craft among friends! When I started this blog I didn’t know anyone to craft with and was very sad about that. Right now I feel like I?m collecting crafty people to spend time with. Come hither!

For today I’ve already had coffee with a friend, Marina. She is so fun and also crafty, plus she reads lots of books. I felt that I miss talking about books, and maybe Lena and I will start a book circle this autumn? That would be nice.

If you don?t have any crafty friends, go find some. They are out there! Start a group, ask people you know, send out e-mails, hang out at the yarn shop? There is nothing more inspiring than talking to inspired people!

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