When you just HAVE to make something

You know that feeling you get sometimes, that you just have to make something? The creative urge hits, and you simply need to craft something together, anything. You just have to get to it ASAP.

Maybe you see a color combination, a fabric, a pattern, a flower that you want to draw, and inspiration strikes. You just have to make something, right now.

When you must make something, ANYTHING, just do it  (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)

It is a great feeling, when you have the time and room to sit down right then and there, and satisfy your need to make that thing. It’s horrible when you can’t, right? You just can’t stop thinking about sewing or gluing or baking that special thing.

This need-to-make-something hit me when I found the description of a round pin cushion online.

Making the Scrappy Pincushion

It’s called the Scrappy Pincushion, and it’s from the book Retro Mama Scrap Happy Sewing by Kim Kruzich. It looked so cute (and like an easy enough fabric project for me) that I decided to give it a try. I already had my sewing machine out, as I was making some table runners at the time, so sewing was on my mind.

Make Something Today - iHannas Pink Scrappy Pincushion (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)

So yes indeed, I made myself a new, really big pin cushion. A round pin cushion – from a pattern! I rarely use patterns, as you might know if you’ve seen my two recent sewing projects, the polka dot table runner and the purple table runner. Both are quilted projects that I just “winged” together without measuring anything in advance. I just love sewing scraps together into something new, and that’s how this round pincushion was constructed.

I printed a pattern this time, and sewed the pieces together in the way the pattern said I should. It’s not a perfect circle, and the side is not perfect either, but it looks so cute laying on the living room table – where I do most of my embroidering in front of the TV.

I love this glorious, big, pink pincushion. I love it. So glad I caught that inspiration flow this time.

Make Something : iHanna's Pink Scrappy Pincushion | When you just have to make SOMETHING  (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)
Pink pincushion by me

Everything crafty is so pintersting

I am constantly pinning beautiful things to my different Pinterest Boards, often following my own most inner cravings at the time. Sometimes I just look at beautiful embroidery, other times I dive into colorful interior design or abstract art. But one of my first boards, and the one I still use a lot, is the my main craft board called Craft Ideas Inspiration, where I pin all kinds of fun projects that I either simply admire or want to replicate in my own way, some day. That’s where I saved this pattern, not for someday, but for today. Yay!

I have more pins than I ever will have time to look through and make something from, as probably most of us, but sometimes inspiration strikes and, for some unknown reason, the brain makes a swift decision: I’m going to make this thing now! Now? Oh, okay, get the materials out and do it quickly before inspiration evaporates (or rather: I get distracted by other clickable things on there)…

Make something, sew something

It’s easier to craft what’s on your mind when you’ve got the tools ready (sewing machine out) and the materials handy (fabrics out this time).

The most important lesson of the day:

When inspiration strikes you’ve got to catch it if you can, and use it. Move with the flow and make something, anything.


Make Something, Sew something, make anything - encouragement by iHanna + awesome scrappy pin cushion  (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)

I made myself a pink pincushion, what are you going to make next?

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7 Responses

  1. Hi Hanna, Happy September to you! What a cute little pincushion! I am finally making my first quilt. Probably I’ll post on my blog when it’s finished, but I still have to bind the edges. I’m planning another bigger quilt, and I’m starting to cut fabric, but I promised myself I would finish the first quilt before I start sewing pieces together.

    • The binding is the boring part, right? I hope I get to see it online when it’s done. Good luck with the finishing!

    • Well, kind of think this turned out even better than “anything”, but thanks Christy. :-)

    • Thanks, me too! I don’t sew as much as you, but I love pretty fabric and sometimes dive in. :-)