Inspired by someone who is inspired by someone else

I enjoy the medium of collage because it fuels my intuitive process and expands the boundaries of traditional image making.
Stephanie Dalton Cowman [via the book Collage]

Collage: Thanks for the postcard
February Art Collage Thank you for the postcard, by iHanna. Available in my Etsy Shop now! Sold.

Thanks everyone who participated in the giveaway and asked some really nice questions about journaling, creativity and blogging! I will try to answer a few of them in later posts on this blog.

Today I’ve sent the last emails in the embroidered ATC-swap that I have arranged via FB. When I have written a few more postcards and packed my own ATC:s to sent of on Monday I will be resting from all this swap-business for a while. I want to show you my own finished postcards though (and also the cards my mom created, they are very cute) – so stay tuned. Today I’ve also updated my shop with some original collages like the one above and this one;

Collage: A-listed friends
February collage A-listed friends by iHanna. Available in my Etsy Shop.

Etsy Mini

A while back I added a page where my Etsy goods show up, a so called “Etsy Mini, did you notice? You can reach it from the top menu, where it says “shop”. I’ve added spiral bound notebooks and three collages today, this is a bit unusual for me but I really love how it came out, almost 3D:

Collage: Not here
February collage Not here by iHanna. Available in my Etsy Shop.

I call this collage “Not here” because I think of it as a hide-and-seek game in lines and grids… The painted wallpaper is a thick paper that makes it a bit dimensional but I’ve also added a bit of a shadow (I love adding shadows!) with one of the gray pitt pens in the manga kit. Isn’t it cool?

Now let’s have some inspirational link love for our Sunday enjoyment…

I am inspired by…

10 Responses

  1. en workshop i Paste Paper, vill ha !
    verkar så kul!
    Svårt att hitta en blogg i Sverige/världen med mer inspiration än din!!!!!!!

  2. Absolutely love your collage, Not here. Very special and even almost without colours there are still a lot of colours. Does this give any sense?
    Love it!!

  3. Beautiful collages, Hanna. I’m thinking I might need a little original Hanna-art in the house… :-)


  4. I am sure you will need a swap break after this week, Hanna ! But it has been such a fun think, I hope you will find energy to do it again next year !
    Your new collages are spring-y and light. Love them.
    Thanks for all the inspiration.
    Hugs !

  5. hi hanna, your collage is gorgeous!…… i have found some books at the “op shop” & sort of followed your instructions….. to “alter” a book, … not completed yet but having fun doing it!…. thanks for the tutorial, it was very clear & helpful.

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