Share the Postcarding Joy

Postcard Swap 2011 main_banner

Last year there were 160 swappers, this year we are a whopping 280 swappers!

280 people x 10 postcards equals 2800 postcards! I hope you did join my fantastically awesome DIY Postcard Swap 2011!? The registration is now closed, though I might do another one in 2012. Please subscribe to my blog or join the newsletter to be sure to get firsthand news on the next event.

Hello Swappers!

For those of you who have signed up, I’m so glad to have you! I could not send out confirmations to everyone this year, that would’ve taken way too much time away from my life. Plus I’m also organizing a Swedish ATC swap with embroidered ATC’s this month (via FB), and the amount of emails is overwhelming right now.

Inbox zero was a dream I used to have… Don’t worry about where you’ll be sending your postcards just yet, I’ve started to send out emails but it will take me a few days before I finish. Just be sure to make your postcards on time! If you don’t hear from me before the end of March (31st), please contact me then! The last day to send postcards is April 8th!

Document the creative process

As I’ve written about before I think it’s great if you also take the time to share the process of how you make your cards, what techniques and materials you use and things like that. The process of making ten handmade postcards is great blog fodder to write about and document in different ways. Once you send your cards on their way you will have the sweet memory of making them, especially if you take the time to take a yummy photo of the finished pile and share those in the Postcard flickr pool that was created last year but we’re recycling this year!

Add photos and your scanned cards in the Diy Postcard Swap Pool at flickr (free photo sharing site).

Share your blog post!

If you blog about your own postcards feel free to share the direct link to that post below. Write your name, nickname or handle (not your blog’s name please! I just dislike that a lot!) and then the url! Make sure you visit/comment on at least two other blogs when you add yours, we all want visitors to our blogs, right?

1. iHanna 47. tanja 93. Sophie – MissKoolAid
2. Rachel (Ravenous Rae) 48. Mary Mac (joyfulploys) 94. Judy
3. Rachel (2) 49. Beatrice (2) 95. Christine
4. Pia 50. Karis 96. Genki (2)
5. Caatje 51. Bridgit (2) 97. lenna andrews
6. Regina 52. Ninette 98. Koni
7. Kate Robertson 53. Viv 99. appletree
8. Aly B (Rouge Raven) 54. Lay Hoon 100. s. arden hill
9. Janet (jkbees) 55. Paula 101. p.strange
10. Cynthia Eloise 56. Jenny 102. cfe jimenez
11. EWian – sketch 57. annabel 103. mrspao (3)
12. Donna 58. Tammy | Daisy Yellow (2) 104. Manysmalldots
13. lee 59. Nae 2 105. Danielle
14. Andria 60. Mistress of Mayhem [1] 106. thebigmango
15. Designmadde 61. ann 107. Bev Baird
16. Melanie Philpott 62. Beatrice (3) 108. Kristi
17. Koni 63. Pam (2) 109. Carlin
18. Andria (part 2) 64. Corinne Braun 110. mommarocks
19. Beatrice 65. Zippy (Ginger Halverson) 111. Yvonne
20. Rachel (3) 66. Bridgit (3) 112. Kimber
21. Nae 67. Robin 113. Angela
22. Steph 68. PetraMaria(2) 114. Deezy (3)
23. jane cabrera 69. designmadde (4) 115. EWian – in the mail
24. Karen 70. ann 116. Åshild (scrowlscrowl) 3
25. Robyn 71. Kerstin 117. Angelle – MamanKoolAid
26. designmadde (2) 72. mrspao 118. Samantha
27. Åshild (scrowlscrowl) 73. vireta 119. Sarah Gardner
28. Rachel (4 – last post) 74. Deezy (2) 120. Patricia Gonzalez
29. Nichole 75. gollywobbles 121. Hagit
30. Bridgit 76. Åshild (scrowlscrowl) 2 122. Dori (dreamingbear)
31. designmadde (3) 77. mrspao (2) 123. Olga
32. Jeanette 78. Diane Staudt 124. gollywobbles
33. Deezy 79. Mary Mac(joyfulploys) (2) 125. Jacinta
34. Tammy | Daisy Yellow 80. Nichole (2) 126. iHanna (finished cards)
35. Kara Monroe 81. Angela Churchill 127. Mistress of Mayhem [2]
36. Marit 82. TJ Goerlitz (Studio Mailbox) 128. mrspao (4)
37. Moira 83. vireta2 129. Mistress of Mayhem [finished cards]
38. Bea 84. Maja (1) 130. Maja (2)
39. April Cole 85. alsn 131. Denice
40. bea (2) 86. Kim Mailhot 132. designmadde (5)
41. Chris 87. Lis 133. Nae
42. PetraMaria 88. moira (2) 134. Nae (4)
43. Cynthia Eloise (2) 89. Genki 135. Nae (5)
44. Karyn Hinz 90. Karin 136. Nae (6)
45. Regina 91. EWian – mishap 137. p.strange
46. Patti G 92. Anna Masini 138. You’re next!

If you write several posts about your postcarding (or share postcards that your receive) you can share those here too, just add a number for your second post (2) and so on. Thanks!

68 Responses

  1. oops! Please disregard my recently sent email regarding the swap as I just now found this post!

    Okay … back to making my cards …

    thanks for all the inspiration and motivation you provide :)

    xo Lis

  2. Lis, no worries! Your on my list and I am so glad that you wanted to join the swap! You’re not the only one that is worried, it was better when I did send out confirmations but it wasn’t possible this year (a lot of other things going on too in my life).

    Take care!

  3. You are such a champion for hosting this event and dealing with everything related to it. I admire you! I am looking forward to seeing where my postcards will end up.

  4. Thanks Sophie, I think it’s you all who help me make this event so much fun that are champions! ;-) Hugs right back!

  5. oh, the pictures are just wonderful — i am going to bookmark that album so i can go back later and look in more depth! what a terrific idea!

  6. Oh I’m so excited to go blog hopping and see everyone’s progress. I have not taken the leap to start a blog, but I have been taking some progress pictures. Thanks again for the inspiration and organizing such a great event!

  7. Hi Hanna, I got my addresses yesterday, and it jump-started me to finish my postcards. I had gotten them started, then stalled out for a bit. Now I’m excited all over again. I’ll be blogging about it VERY soon! Thanks for your hard work getting all of this organized!

  8. wow, an amazing count. can’t wait for them to start arriving in the mail. i’m almost done. still got a couple to go.

  9. Yes, I’ve started to send out addresses. Tonight I was at #160 I think, now it’s late and I will continue tomorrow. Once all of them are sent I hope I will feel creative to finish my own big pile of cards! :-)

    I look forward to see your cards/process and blog post about it all! :-)

  10. OOOH! I didn’t take process photos! I love this idea, though. I want to do a big, long post all about how much FUN I have. All about MEMEME!! And mypaints and sewing machine and inks and glue and heat gun. I’m going to work on it and try to piece things together from photos of the past. If not, I guess I’ll just have to make another postcard and take photos of that! HA

    Thanks for all your hard work, Hanna! Next year, there will be so many of us, we can swap 20 each! Pretty soon, everyone will join! We can send out to complete strangers! Martha Stewart, Ellen Degeneres, Rosie O’Donnell, the woman I work with who does lots of crafty stuff, people from down the block, I may teach my puppy to make them, EVERYONE will be sending postcards to EVERYONE! You may have to share your email duties.


  11. Hi all, I just got my addresses too and am very excited. Is there a particular size the postcards should be? What size are people making them?
    Michelle in Australia xx

  12. So much fun! Played around with a sketch today, looking forward to see all the grate designs people make.


  13. Yay Hanna ! Thanks for all this hard work to make this great project work ! I am excited to see that my postcard penpals are from all over the world ! So very cool !
    Tomorrow and Friday are two days dedicated to POSTCARD Making ! Can’t wait !
    Cheers, My Friend !

  14. I’m having so much fun making my cards. Are people sending them as postcards or in envelopes? I’m afraid they’ll get damaged if I send them “bare” thru the mail. How do you attach the back to them? Is glue good enough?

  15. Could you please delete my name off the list of visting blogs, so that I can post the direct link, instead of the blog link, I am so sorry I thought I was doing that and I was not


  16. Kim, I’m so glad you’re making postcards and enjoying it. I bet they will all be awesome and beautiful. Thanks for joining in! Cheers right back at ya my friend!

    Lee, I’ve fixed the link while looking through the list already! :-) Plus I’ve removed sweet swappers who have not written about their postcards because that’s what we’re interested in here, not links to all the participants but to peeps who take the time to share something creative! ;-)

    Debbie, you’re not the only one that have asked about how to post your cards. I mentioned it on the swap page: it’s up to you how you want to do it. I know it’s postcards that I am making so I make a point of making mine sturdy enough to send without an envelope! But if your cards are delicate or has small details I suggest putting them in an envelope.

    Again, if glue is “good enough” for your postcards depends on what kind of glue, and what materials you’ve used… I use a glue stick but will also sew around the edges with a sewing machine. It’s secure and also fits the style of my cards.

    When hesitant: experiment more! Send a card to yourself (or a neighbor) and see how it looks when it arrives…

  17. Sorry Hanna, I was to fast (typically me) & I?ve just shared my blogg link & not the direct link to my postcard-post. Delete it & I will do it again & correct.
    (I have done one post about the swap, and there will be a couple of more posts as well)

  18. Madde, no probelm, I’ve fixed it already. Glad you’re sharing – your postcards looks exciting! Naked ladies… wow! ;-)

  19. So thrilled you read my blog the other day. I made some more progress, can not wait to post the final results, interesting progress every day. I feel lucky to be in such a cool group of folks. :)

  20. Hello, I’m koni from Japan.
    Thank you very much for letting me in this great project! :) I’m making postcards with happiness. English is still difficult for me, but I also enjoy reading your blog too!

  21. Hello world…I’m so excited to see what comes through my very small English letterbox…Hope my 9 bears and 1 dog enjoy their new international homes. Best wishes to all.

  22. oops…Hope my name doesn’t appear twice on the list…my computer went a bit wobbly!

  23. I’m really impressed to see how far along some of the other participants are! You guys are really industrious. Can’t wait to see what lovelies show up in my mailbox!

  24. I am about to finish my postcards! I’m so excited about what will I receive :) I blogged part of the proccess so you can take a look!

  25. I’ve really enjoyed looking through the other websites listed here- lots of inspiration! Thanks so much for organizing this!

  26. I got my 1st card in the mail today via Janet B in Palmdale, CA. LovE it!
    Still working on getting mine done, almost there…….also just posted my link above!

  27. Hi! I just linked to my post about the cards I made – I have to say, I had serious doubts about linking after I saw all the lovely postcards that people have made! They are such works of art, all of them :)

  28. I’ve posted my cards off! It was quite a wrench letting go of them ;-). Looking forward to 2012 swap already!!

  29. I am so excited, will be mailing them off tomorrow. YIPPEEEEEEEE Thanks so much for all the fun, it’s brought a lot of cheer to a drab month!

  30. I’m having so much fun looking at everyone’s posts on their cards. I sent mine in the mail yesterday and I can’t wait to see what comes to me!

    thanks Hanna!

  31. Sharing the process (first post). Finishing up my postcards this weekend. Can’t wait to get them in the mail! Thanks, Hanna for putting up the link widget. I have loved visiting everyone’s links!

    (Mistress of Mayhem)

  32. Now I?m done, time to send them away. I have recived my first card, very exciting. Looking forward for the others.

  33. All done, they’ll be going to the post office tomorrow. Can’t wait to receive my postcards now :-). It’s been great fun so far.

  34. I have been loving looking at everyone’s cards. Thanks Hanna for organizing such an amazing event. :)

  35. This post card swap has been a real joy… I’m so glad I was able to participate! I put my blog up there to share the cards I sent, along with posting them to the group pool on Flickr. Thank you Hanna… and everyone else. I look forward to doing it next year too.

  36. Hej Hanna!
    Jag r?kade l?nka till min f?rhandsgranskning.Jag har gjort en ny l?nkning men kan inte f? bort den gamla. Kan du ?tg?rda det?

  37. I’m so happy I’m doing this swap. I’ve just finished making my cards and they will be winging their way to their new homes tomorrow :)

  38. Hi Hanna, thank you for visiting my site and asking me to link info on your site. I have received two cards so far, and will post about all 10 at the same time once received, and will come back to add the link…..thanks so much for all your hard work. This was my 1st post card, and so much fun! Warmly, Sam

  39. Hanna, thanks for hosting such a huge swap! How do you do it? This was fun and I can’t wait to keep peeking in my post box. Best wishes from germany, tj

  40. Woohoo, put cards in the post today. It was so much fun making them. Thnx Hanna for organizing this!

    Love, Maja x

  41. Whew! I temporarily forgot I had signed up for the swap! Thankfully I remembered on my day off! ^_^ All made, addressed, and ready to send. Thanks for the opportunity! It really was neat to see what I could do with a deadline!

  42. Hi Hanna,
    Thank you so much for hosting this huge international swap. I have just uploaded my postcards and written about them on my blog!
    I had such a good creative time making them. i have been pretty busy lately & it was just what I needed!!! yours, lenna

  43. Hi Hanna, i really enjoyed participating in this swap, it was a lot of fun making these postcards. I tried to make them special, so each card is related to one another with the photo and song!
    thanks for the initiative!

  44. Hello;
    Despite the delay I have finished my 10 cards;
    On Monday I will send them. I hope they all reach their destinations!


  45. This swap is so fantastic! I’ve already received 4 awesome post cards & am looking forward to getting the rest. I also love how people have responded to my emails thanking them & visited my blog. What a great community! Thanks again for organzing this.

  46. I did get my cards out on Friday, right on time. I really enjoyed the project and I hope all on my list like the cards! :)

  47. Thanks so much for organizing this swap,Hanna! It’s been so much creative fun.And I love checking my mailbox everyday knowing there might be some postcard magic! :)

  48. Thanks so much for hosting this swap. It was so much fun and I get such a kick everyday when I get home and find a new postcard waiting for me.

  49. Finally got the finished postcards uploaded to flickr and the post on my blog. Thanks, again, Hanna! Great fun and inspiration.

  50. It was such great fun making and receiving all those beautiful and inspiring cards! I only received six but I really don’t mind because those are brilliant!

    Thanks a thousand times for organizing, Hanna!
    Love, Maja x

  51. Still receiving cards at this date – Such a joy! Again so glad to have met you and been part of this project. It really is awe-inspiring. Hanna you are truly amazing for putting this idea in the works.

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