Join iHanna’s DIY Postcard Swap 2019

Each year I host an international and easy-going mail art swap that I call DIY Postcard Swap. It’s a great way to get some happy mail, so I hope you want to try it out this fall. I think we all need a little pick-me-up as it gets darker outside and the trees start loosing their greenery…

Why not join us?

Do it Yourself Postcard Swap Autumn 2019 - join now!

When you join this swap you are asked to create ten (10) do it yourself-postcard, ie. handmade cards, and send them out to ten others that also has joined the swap. In return you will of course receive awesome and beautiful postcards from ten other people, who could be from your city or anywhere in the world!

You can read all about the swap with deadline dates (to note in your own calendar so you don’t forget them, please) on the DIY Postcard Swap information page or click here to sign up:


Here are the important date to keep in your own google calendar or planner:

Last day to sign up / join in November 4th, 2019
Your Postcards Should be ready to send out by November 7th, 2019

After you’ve signed up I’d appreciate very much if you note the date of when the postcards should be ready to send, and check your e-mail to have our 10 addresses then! So, please have 10 handmade postcards ready to send out on the 7th of November (before the weekend of 9-10th of November that is)!

A day or so after the 4th of November (last date to join) you will receive your addresses via the e-mail you use to sign up with. I think that you should be able to get your postcards out before the weekend, and I very much appreciate everyone who keeps to that deadline! It would also be great if you make sure you have added my e-mail address to your digital address book so the e-mail doesn’t get marked as spam. It’s hanna (at)

Finished Postcards from the swap 2014 by Hanna Andersson - click to see more postcards in this style iHannas swap #DIYpostcardswap

Resources for Do it Yourself Postcard Swappers

Ready to join me and hundreds of others to make handmade postcards?


8 Responses

  1. Sorry I won’t be able to do the Fall Swap, but I am already looking forward to the Spring Swap! Hope you have a lot of fun and good participation in this swap! For those who’ve not participated before, I’d highly recommend signing up for the swap! It’s so much fun!!

    • Thank you, I will miss having you but I was a little late setting the fall swap up so I totally understand that not everyone will be able to join this time.

  2. Hanna, if I haven’t already – I wanted to tell you how much I love your blog makeover. It’s a great new look and after quite a few years, it’s making me want to blog again (whether that will happen or not, I’ve no idea but still … lol)

    Have a great day! Also good luck on the postcard swap. I’d someday love to join in but as of now, I can’t commit to the time that it takes to make all of the cards.


    • Aw, thanks Debi! Visiting the blog’s home and clicking around on older posts I too feel more inspired than I’ve felt in a while, so the make-over was good for me.

      I will be hosting the swap again in the spring, and it’s always 10 postcards, so you could make two postcards a month and be finished with all of them when it’s time to join next time… Just a thought.

      Take care!

  3. Hi Hanna,
    Hoping to join postcard swap. Just tell me what weight or kind of paper you use. Would like to use watercolour paper but feel it might be a little thin. Advice would be appreciated.

    • Hi Sally,
      I would be delighted if you join the swap!

      I am not sure what weight I use, because it depends on what medium I’m working in. But if you think that your watercolour paper is a bit flimsy, get a thicker one or simply glue it to a stronger backing, like a piece from a pizza box lid for example? I’d sew around the border with a sewing machine or make sure it’s a really strong glue that you’re using though.

      Let me know how it goes!

  4. I think I signed up. I paid, but somehow it doesn’t feel like my name was ‘submitted’. Could you check and let me know, please? Lots of my friends have signed up and I don’t want to be left out!

    I love this swap and have met many wonderful people because of it!


    • Dear Lynne,
      you have paid for sure, but the form submission didn’t “take”. I think there is a problem with using it on a phone or tablet, so maybe you could try it again from a computer and then e-mail me so I can check? Also, when it does submit you should get a confirmation e-mail via the google form, so then you know for sure too.

      We’ll work it out, we always do around here! And thanks for your kind words about the swap, it warms my heart.

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