Art Every Day for a Month

You do not know if is possible for you to do commit to making art every day for a whole month until you have made the commitment and followed through the whole month. But when you reach your goal you will be oh so happy you gave it a try, and you know it.

The fourth of November marks the start of AEDM collages for a month by iHanna...

These are the four first collages done in November, the Art Every Day Month. I decided to participate this year for the first time and make a piece of art every day. A collage, because collage is my favorite art form.

Art Every Day Month 2010I like knowing that I should plan time for art making, no matter what other things I have to do during the day. The time to sit and do a collage is quite time at my desk, with all the little scraps I save for art. I enjoy numbering, naming and signing my collages, just as much this time around as always. Just as much as when I did a whole year of art cards every day back in 2008!

Lots of Art in 2011…

I am thinking about doing such a huge daily project again next year, a Art Every Day 2011. Perhaps. Maybe. Or maybe start small and call it a January project and see if I get into it again, find my way back to the habit once more… I miss making daily artwork, and in the 366 days I did it last time I did not tire of it at all. I did another daily try with poetry and went with it for two months before my energy went down and I stopped. Daily poetry is a bit easier but something different entirely. I am not sure what I am most drawn to just yet. Would you (maybe) be interested in joining me?

Are you already doing something creative daily (art journaling, journaling, doodling, novel writing, everyday art…) during November?

This is collage number one of Art Every Day Month (AEDM):

Collage: Daddy love
Daddy Love, original art collage by iHanna (2010-11-01).

I think he (the shiny dad in the middle) sells oriental mats and isn’t at home very often, but when he is everyone flocks around him and listens to his stories… He tells great stories and illustrates them with his moving hands.

Here are the collages I’ve scanned so far;

Collage: The importance of water
The importance of water, original art collage #2 by iHanna (2010-11-02)

Collage:Tea drinking friend
Tea Drinking Friend, original art collage #3 by iHanna (2010-11-03).

Collage: Butterfly escape artist
Butterfly Escape Artist, original art collage #4 by iHanna (2010-11-04).

I am making my tenth card today and then I will be scanning all of them to show you what they look like. Please check iHanna’s Etsy Shop for available collages, and visit Leah, project manager of Creative Every Day Month. Lots of people are participating for free in this creative event!

29 Responses

  1. 2011 seems like a good year to make something every day… I mean why not? I still love looking in my daily art cards book from last year.

    I want to start or do something big on 1/11/11… somehow I’d like to make a journal where you just fill in a small section or square everyday… like one of those funky calendar ones…

    I’ve also been playing with the Sketch app on my iPhone, it would also be cool to do something digital every day and then get it printed into a book at the end of the year…

    So many ideas. So little time…!

  2. Ooh, something every single day of the year? Impressive! I’m not sure I could handle that. I have trouble just writing in my diary every day, and I completely failed at Thing-a-day last February. If they do it again in 2011 (as of this writing their URL is broken) I’m hoping to participate.

    However, my sister and I have agreed that 2011 will be our year to learn crochet, so it will certainly be a time of creative challenges, even if it’s not necessarily every single day.

  3. I’ve been also thinking that 2011 will be a very creative year and I want to do something big. But I’m not sure yet the exact plan. I think I’ll need to do something that changes so I won’t get bored. I guess I have a few months to think about it.

  4. Hi Hanna,
    Been reading your blog for two months now and I love it! I’m very new to the idea of art journalling and I’m getting so much inspiration from creative people out there…
    I’ve been looking at the ‘art postcards’ class in 21 Secrets and was wondering about committing myself to making one each day of 2011 – interesting to see that you’ve done that before. I’m sure I would quickly get disappointed if I missed a day, so maybe i should aim for 100 in a year? A bit of time to make a plan before 2011!
    Keep writing the great posts!!

  5. i’ve had a crazy busy year that has included a difficult pregnancy and my regular journaling and blogging habits have been completely derailed because of it. since our son is due any day now (or rather due 6 days ago and still not here), january sounds like the perfect time to take up the art every day challenge with you.

    let us know what you’re going to do, some form of accountability would be most helpful!

  6. Like I said yesterday, I would definitely join you for a daily art project.

    This november, I’m doing Nanowrimo again. Tried getting into Nanojoumo but the prompts did not work for me.

    Your collages are gorgeous. I’m due for a good collaging session.


  7. Oh Hanna,

    These collages are great! You’ve done them partially digitally? I love collages. Must try more. SO much to do!

    Thank You for the inspiration.

  8. That first collage is so terrific. I can totally see why you’re drawn to make these because you’re great at it, obviously you’ve just got an eye for this art form. I’ve only just started this myself and already I love it but I’m not nearly as awesome as you yet. Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. I do art every day, not because I should, but because I need to, for my sanity. Certainly art before laundry! But a series of like items, drawn/collaged/written each day, that might be interesting.

  10. I take photographs everyday, I make an art journal page almost every day and everytime I need to send a letter, I personilaze the envelope (even if it is something for the bank or papers I have to send back to my employer!). Like Tammy said, a series of like items each day during 2011 would be fabulous. I am considering mail art…

  11. These collages are fantastic. You have a great eye for layout and design. I love the scraps you’ve created and found. I look forward to seeing your other collages. I too am creating daily. My play is all over the medium map and includes some collage, photography, and ikebana. I find creating every day even on the days when I’m out straight and tired, opens me up and new ideas flow. I’m pushing to blog daily too so that cuts in to some of my creating time. Have fun! We are nearly 1/2 way through the month. Crazy how time flies.

  12. I love your work. The collages are beautiful and it was fun to read your “story” about the family collage and imagine what their life is like :)

  13. These are wonderful, Hanna! So are your journal pages.
    I am doing AEDM for the second year and I love it. I’m also doing the 21 Secrets workshops, which is amazing. I try to do something creative every day whether I’m involved in a project or not though. It keeps me sane! LOL

    I’ve been looking around your blog and your tutorials and have really enjoyed it. I’ll be back soon! :)

  14. When I found Leah’s site last December I interpreted Creative Every Day as Art Every Day, except you only had to post/check-in weekly. Now I’m not sure that was the correct interpretation. I started Jan1st and am still on track for finishing up the year with some kind of a little creation in my blank books (on #4, may need to start #5)! Posting daily in November is harder than creating I find.

    Next year, while I will still create, it won’t be in this fashion. I am thinking bigger projects, like painting (52 painting in 52 weeks?) and working on art journals, versus daily little drawings.

    Love seeing your creations and following your SBP, Hanna!

  15. What delightful pieces. I’m taking part for the first time this year too and it’s been such fun, in terms of both getting stuck into art every day and seeing all this wonderful art created by others like yourself.

  16. you go girl, good for you! i did it a few years back and then after 2 weeks started struggling. glad to hear you’re enjoying it. maybe one day i’ll try again :)

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