Creating a new habit with my Daily Art Cards

I’m making a Daily Art Card this month, and perhaps this whole year?

Daily Art Card painting by iHanna, Copyright Hanna Andersson

On January 1th this year I sat down to fill my first square card that I had cut up for the occasion. That was the beginning of my year of Daily Art Cards. One each day for 366 days, that is my goal. Do you think I will make it? It’s been 31 days and I haven’t missed one yet!

The first one I made sitting in the sofa with the card in my knee. I grabbed a wrapping paper saved from Christmas and copied one of the angels as best as I could. I then painted it with watercolors, but not at all in the colors of the wrapping. Mine were brighter and happier. This is the first card I made:

Daily Art Card no 01 Angel  by iHanna, Copyright Hanna Andersson

1th of January 2008 – My first Daily Art Card!

I have a big fat pad of cold pressed aquarelle watercolor paper (200g/m2) from Canson in my paper stash. Some of these I cut to size 10 x 10 cm (3,93 x 3,93 inches) and that is what I’m working on. I really love the size, it’s small enough to be quick to fill when I’m feeling uninspired or tired (those night when I come into my bedroom at 23.30 and remember that I haven’t made my daily card yet!!) but big enough to have fun on: draw, collage, experiment!

Last night I did a quick drawing of a heart with the Caran D’Arche Neocolor II crayons that are water soluble. Then I took my card with me to the bathroom and added a lot of water on top of the paper. More than I usually use and brushed it around. It turned out great and I learned something new 2 minutes it took to make that card.

I call that card “Water soluble love”! I’ve given all my cards a name, and signed all of them with the date and my name on the back.

Daily Art Cards

Here the January Daily Art Cards are gathered together:

January 2008 - Daily Art Cards

I’ve played and experimented a lot as you can see. One is all doodle, some are collages and some are drawings. I’m thinking that I ought to sell them as I go along this year but I’m not sure anyone would be interested? I didn’t think about that when I started, but I’m impressed with Dilarp’s blog Daily Collage project where she sells her collages for 25 Euro. Of course she has some dignity behind her art, while I have none. :-)

I would appreciate your opinions about these Daily Art Cards, and their worth. Would you be interested in owning something like this? I want to make a book of all the cards when I’m all done, but I have no idea what I would do with the original art except put it in an album or box and forget about it. I’m so used to creating in a book format, and then there’s no question afterwards. It’s just a finished book.

Here’s the card I did today, the thirtyfirst one;

Daily Art Card no 31: Glitter mix up by iHanna
Daily Art Card 31 January 2008.

When painting and stamping with acrylics in my art journal after yoga I did this card in pink and red acrylics. Also found an old tube of red glitter glue that I spread around with my fingers. Yummy colors! To finish it I cut a little piece from one of many favorite wrapping papers I own (collect).

Simple but fun.

Daily Art Card as a Habit

The habit did form rather quickly and it’s not something that I will forget to do – nor will I ignore to do it because of my firm decision to stick with this resolution! I’m normally rather creative as you know, and this is just one extra task each day that will ensure that I do something productive and fun each day. Even on the days that I feel tired and don’t want to make my daily art card I’ve been getting an inspiration boost when I did it anyway! Isn’t that powerful?

** Update: See all posts about my Daily Art Cards.

22 Responses

  1. I don’t personally buy art but that’s because I am a sad junkie and all of my hangings are historical maps. But I know that ACEOs (they’re just ATCs but for sale) can sell fairly well. Or just make a bunch of ATCs to trade? It’s a little smaller than the size you are working with now… 6.35 x 8.89 cm (2.5 x 3.5 inches).

  2. Hey what a great idea! I am very impressed that you’ve made one everyday. I know that some people do sell their cards, or you can trade them… I found a great group at You can trade your cards with other artists, it’s quite fun and inspiring!

  3. They are lovely! I think selling them by the set (like a week, or a month) would be great.

  4. I think they are beautiful but I wonder whether they are most powerful as the set for the year – wouldn’t you like to have them, themselves altogether at the end of the year?

  5. Hi iHanna, as I like your daily art cards very much, I would say that it’s a good idea to offer your cards for purchase. I’m sure that you will have masses of orders :) how about selling prints or little card books of your art? Perhaps in this way more art lovers could hang your art on their wall… :)

  6. I think this project is wonderful. I would like to buy them. I think the set of the all year should be really interesting as a book. Keep going you are doing a great “job”!

  7. Hej. Hanna !
    Jag fick lite olika galna ideer vad du kan g?ra av dina bilder.
    1.Du skulle kunna v?lja n?gon bild fr?n varje m?nad och g?ra en ?rskalender av dem (du vet s?dana d?r som man alltid f?r reklam om g?r din egen kalender-inf?r-det-nya-?ret-julklapp-till mor-resp-far-f?r?ldrar.
    2.G?ra memory av dem.
    3.Mina barn brukar komma hem fr?n skolan med tr?kiga anteckningsh?ften(r?da,gr?na,gula osv)som de f?r i varje ?mne.Dina bilder skulle vara kul att ha p? framsidan p? svenska resp matteh?ften! Fast det kr?ver v?l kontakter inom ‘antecknings h?fts tryckar branschen’.
    4.Trycka vissa eller n?gra av bilderna p? T-shirts.
    5.G?ra tygv?skor med tryck av dina bilder eller p? ?rngott,p?slakan,k?kshanddukar,pennfodral, brevpapper,skrivbordsunderl?gg osv.

    Du borde nog ha workshops f?r kreativt intresserade s? sm?ningom ; )tillsammans med din mor.

  8. When it comes to selling art, the best advice I’ve ever received was: “Just raise the flag and see if anyone salutes. If no one does, just put the flag back down.” Made perfect sense.

    In any case, congrats on completing your own 31 days of ‘dailies’. :-)

  9. Hanna–
    Your cards are delightful. Please don’t think of selling them until you’ve finished the year–it might inhibit your style!

  10. Hi,
    Thanks for the words about Daily Collage Project. While selling has it important share the main motivation it’s the pleasure of express ourselves through creation.
    DCP is about a mixture of a regular discipline in finding materials and creating a new piece every day.
    About your thoughts you could put your work on sale and just wait what could happen.
    Congratulations for your cards creations and your site.
    ;) dilarp

  11. Hi Hanna!

    I’m sure you’d be able to sell your cards if you wanted to. Doesn’t it feel great to know that we made it through the first month so easily? It definitely is a habit that was quickly formed.

    I just saw your spotlight on Go Make Art! Congratulations on that! It was very cool to see a name I knew in the spotlight!

    One last thing. Would you email me your postal address? I’d like to send you something.


  12. you should do them as magnets so people could buy a series of them and then arrange them as they wish. or trade and collect or whatever. they are lovely. I wish I had the constitution to keep up such a project.

  13. It is fun to read about your daily art card project! I am doing a similiar project. I have been creating one atc each day since November 28th. Today I made ATC #68 and I’m still going strong!

    You will definitely be able to finish the project! Not only is it a good daily creative practice, you will learn a lot along the way too – about your work habits and and artistic style and other lessons too.

    As for selling … people will definitely want to buy your cards and you should feel free to do so. Except for 30 that I am selling for charity, I am keeping all of mine until they are finished. I want to see what 365 ATCs looks like!

    Best of luck to you! I look forward to seeing your daily cards as you make them.


  14. Hi Hanna,
    Really great artwork, Hanna! I especially like the way you’ve displayed all of them on flickr…
    now if i could just figure out how to do that myself!
    And yes, I’d purchase your artwork…
    it’s lovely…
    all my best,

  15. Shai gives good advice. Raise the flag and see. Seeing all the cards together makes fascinating viewing. They are delightful!

  16. I love this idea! I’ve been thinking about how to create something everyday. This has totally inspired me to work it! Thanks for your inspiration!

  17. Oh what a great idea! This looks like a nice challenge to take on that’s not overwhelming. What a great collection you’ll have at the end! I think it would make an awesome book because it’s such an inspiring idea. It’s great for you too because I’m sure you’ll see your creativity evolve as the days go by. I’m excited to try this challenge. Thanks for sharing such wonderful ideas :)

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