A Very Pink Flamingo Bag now finished – voila!
What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man is in that state of mind in which he knows exactly what he wants and is fully determined not to quit until he finds it. Alexander Graham Bell
Did I say December was the time to finish a lot of projects that you’ve started?
No no no, I meant that January is that month! At least it has been for me so far (and knitting month). Though I’ve also started new projects this month I feel determined to finish some projects that I started last year, or even before that (!) as is the case with this pink bag that I sewed together recently. The rainbow socks and my Levi’s jean bag are finished oldies – and I’m still working on the darn cardigan.
I’m calling it The Flamingo Bag because of the image print in the front, and all that pink both on the inside and the outside! The bag is quilted on all sides and is for sale if anybody is interested. I’m going to add it to my Etsy Shop later, when I’m adding the jeans bags that I’ve also finished.
I’ll blog about those soon too and then add it all to Shop. But let me know if you’re interested, ok?
But now, some pictures of the bag!
Let me know what you think.
Too much pink you say?
No way, not possible. There is no such thing as too much pink!
“There is no such thing as too much pink!”
Thank you for visiting my blog! Sorry you it’s not in English. It used to be, but then I changed it since around that time most of my readers were Dutch, but perhaps I should change it again?
Love you blog here, I visited it before and fell in love with your sock monkey! I’ll definitely stop by more often!
Hugs from the Netherlands!
Oh my goodness!!! LOve your new look! And the bag ofcourse…keep the happiness coming!
I LOVE the new banner. I used to have quite the hate relationship with pink. I am quite short, and sometimes (more when I was younger) referred to as cute. Pink seemed to go hand-in-hand with this, and in a effort to be taken seriously, I hated pink.
Needless to say, I’m over it, and now love pink. Particularly fuchsia!
Lovely bag, I say, and not too much pink at all.
Cute! I see a moleskine in there!
I want one of those jeans bags. Very badly.
I absolutely agree – there is no such thing as too much pink! The bag is LOVELY! It brings a bit of Spring into my world just by looking at it. *^v^*
that bag rocks! nice work :) be sure to enter my giveaway on funky finds this week!
Lovely! I’ve been thinking about making a tote, you’ve inspired me to dig through my stash again to find something fabulous! :)
I think it’s great! And I agree – there is no such thing as too much pink!
Neej! Jeg ?lsker pink! Og har altid holdt meget af flamingoer, smuk taske.
Yes please! It is gorgeous!
It is gorgeous. Love the P.I.N.K.! It looks great.
Woo-hooo! PINK! NEVER too much of pink…really love this!
Wow! You sure are multi-talented! I really like the fabric combinations together.
that’s perfect! with perfect amount of pink Hana :)
It is really, really, really beautiful!
If it’s not sold already please let me know – I would really love to have something so gorgeous and happy making :o)
such a cute bag! i love your creative spirit and all your energy, hanna! it’s contagious! :-)