I love Vintage Bed Linen Fabric

Square of Fabric

I can have such huge sewing cravings, where I long to handle and patch together fabric. But because I do so many different things I postpone most of my ideas “for later”. But this one couldn’t wait!

Backside of Patchwork Pillow 2013

I got these very small leftover bits of vintage bed linen fabric from a real fabric collector. She didn’t even realize that somebody could be interested in those small bits, but I am – and I did take some of them with me home. Oh the happiness!

Patchwork Pillow Pink, Green and Yellow

I cut small squares (10×10 cm) and sewed them into this patchwork pillow in green, yellow and pink. Here it is in the sofa now, together with the kantha pillow I did earlier this year:

Patchwork and Kantha by Hanna Andersson

Isn’t it a happy pillow?

11 Responses

  1. Jättefina båda två! Jag har sådant sug efter att sy lapptäcken men skjuter också på det för jag har så mycket annat att göra. Men en kudde kanske jag kan hinna :)

    • Elin, tack! Prydnadskuddar är kul att göra eftersom de syns så tydligt, är lätta att fixa och ändå gör ganska stor skillnad i rummet. Men du ska ju måla måla måla, så det får väl bli på kvällstid kanske?! ;-)

    • Molly, thank you so much for your comment on these pillows. Bright and happy was the feeling I was looking for when I made them. :-)

    • Pia, thank you so much! Making pillows is easy and fun, and one of those crafts that gives me quick gratification – one that I do love to get. :-)

  2. Such a beautiful pillow, Hanna! I love what you can do with a handful of scraps. I LOVE the look of patchwork.

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