Gold papers that shimmers | Collages from 2022 [5] This is a fun and rather diverse batch of collages from 2022, when I attempted a 365 collages but got to… Categories Collage
Frame-worthy or not | Collages by iHanna from 2022 [4] Do you enjoy looking at collages? I hope so, because here’s the fourth post with collages from 2022, made by yours… Categories Collage/Mixed Media Experiments
Please remember me | Collages from 2022 [3] I meant to have all these collages from 2022 uploaded and blogged by the start of the new year. I meant… Categories Collage/Mixed Media Experiments
365 Collages | Week 43 | Monsters in the Closet It’s week 43 of 52 weeks in 2018, and I’ve reached collage number 300 in my 365 Somethings. Today is day… Categories Collage/Inspiration/Mixed Media Experiments
365 Collages | Week 10 | Roses for You You have to care about your work but not about the result. You have to care about how good you are… Categories Collage/Creativity & Life
Going back to basics with your Artwork Going back to basics today! When you take a longer break from your main art practice, it is sometimes hard to… Categories iHanna philosophy/Mixed Media Experiments
365 Collages | Week 20 Hand over the Scissors Another seven collages finished and all I can say is: I still love project 365 Collages! Categories Collage
365 Collages | Week 19 Rose Garden III My collages are getting more and more abstract, with no or few depicting images, at least this week… Categories Collage/Creativity & Life
I love wrinkled brown paper The cover if this art journal is made with my favorite technique of wrinkly brown paper glued down. The cardboard letters,… Categories Art journaling
When Loose Pages come Together I love working in a handbound or altered book for Art Journaling, it’s awesome for so many reasons. But also, I’ve… Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life
365 Collages | Week 11 – Typography Edition DIY Typography, anyone? Typography (from the Greek words τύπος (typos) = form and γραφή (graphe) = writing) is the art and… Categories Collage
365 Collages | Week 10 It’s Glue it Tuesday at Artsyville and of course I’m joining! Aren’t you? My most important tool is a glue stick!… Categories Collage