Ink that smears

Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: That we are here for the sake of others…for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy. Many times a day, I realize how much my outer and inner life is built upon the labors of people, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received.

Albert Einstein

Experimenting in my Art Journal.

A mandala inspired by Tammy. Adding bright watercolours. Letting some paint drip.

Mandala flower and flowing text (Photo by iHanna - Hanna Andersson)
Mandala and journaling around it.
Then some Ink smearing by iHanna  (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)
Smearing ink on purpose.

Then covering the page with swirly handwriting. And watered down paint so that the writing smears. Intentionally. Because when it smears it looks in that lovely way that I’m interested in. Wabi sabi kind of pretty.

I enjoy my watercolours a lot.

Also enjoying this week

* Watching Teesha’s videos on how to sew a fabric journal part 1, and 2, 3 & 4!
* Reading Dawn’s post (again) on the blog Cathartic Creativity called Hanna and her inspiration – wow! (thank you sweetie!)
* Reading back in Jo’s blog One a day, enjoying her posts a lot!
* Checking out twitter links, like this one from Holly about a book called Playing with books – play, recycle, create. I want this one now!

Enjoy your day!

Oh, and almost forgot, today is blog is six years old. Happy birthday to my blog!

14 Responses

  1. Hanna, SO lovely. Your watercolors are inspiring…I need to get back to using them again. An almost perfect thing to do in a way for summer…we tend toward the lighter things in summer?food, clothing, etc. Why shouldn’t art be the same way!

  2. Happy Birthday to your blog!
    I love your work. So inspiring!

  3. I’m so drawn to your colors in your mandala-flower!! The writing is so interesting both before and after you watered it!! Lovely work Hanna! Congrats on your 6yr blog-versary :D :D

  4. Happy Birthday Blog from an old friend! I love that quote by Einstein you have there. And your mandala is pretty cool too!

  5. Happy blogiversary! Grattis p? den stora dagen! ?sch, vet aldrig om jag ska kommentera p? svenska eller engelska hos dig – r?cker det om du kan l?sa eller vill jag att resten av v?rlden ska kunna l?sa ocks?? :D
    I?m also loving Teesha?s new videos, and I?m actually sewing lots of panels for some fabric journals of my own. I think I?m stuffing a bit too thick – my panels are a lot less floppy than Teesha?s. But it might still work… I?ll sew a bunch more before I try to make them into a journal cover…

  6. Happy birthday to your lovely blog Hanna!
    I love those amazing colours! And the very positive, cheerful mandalas.
    And isn’t Albert great! Every time I hear something about him, it happens to be something wonderful! He said ” imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited but imagination encircles the world” which I think is pretty cool! but that quote is beautiful!
    have a lovely day.

  7. Oh yes, this is wonderful. Runny ink is so satisfying. I am also loving the kitty pic and the lovely photos.

  8. Shut UP! six years old? SIX?! This is fantastic!

    I am so afraid to smear things. What happened to me, that I am so afraid? I am afraid to put too much, too little, too big, too small. I need a good talking to!!

    Happy Happy Birthday Happy iHanna!

  9. Hi there, I dont know if I am writing in a proper board but I have got a problem with activation, link i receive in email is not working…