Spring in the viewfinder

I must have a lilac’s purple promise to tell my winter-weary soul that spring has come and all is well.
Helen Lowrie Marshall

When I spot the first signs of spring here in Sweden I bring out my camera every year. Spring in the viewfinder just makes me happy and full of excitement!

Crocus photo by iHanna

The snow has almost melted and there is finally a feeling of spring outside. I’ve been looking for signs of spring for weeks now, and finally caught some in the viewfinder. It’s like I need to capture some of its beauty every year to fully understand and incorporate it into my life again. Spring. The smells, the sounds, the flowers once again. A crocus that is very ready to bloom, and a photo of the shawl I knitted during the last weeks of winter:

Pink shawl, with a crocheted edge. The irony is not lost; it’s the first knitted project of the year and now it’s already time to find something lighter to wear. I’m not complaining though…

More pots of spring, a yellow daffodil.

And what I’ve been reading;

Great novel by favorite author Nick Hornby.

Avoiding snow
Smilla, always on the look for a spot to sit that is not wet, cold and white.

Back inside again, eating waffles with whipped cream and mom’s homemade jam. Mmmm!

Sometimes life is good like that.

9 Responses

  1. Seems you had some lovley wether today. Here it’s been raining all day. Looks really tempting these waffles of your mum. And yes spring is finally here. Wonderful season we have in front these days. All the best to you and Smilla.

  2. Ingrid, ja visst ?r den bra. Jag tycker om hans m?nniskor. Du m?ste skriva i din blogadress ocks? n?r du kommenterar s? folk kan hitta din fina blogg och komma och bes?ka dig. Tittade igenom flera inl?gg bak?t idag, mycket fint att se hos dig!

  3. Talking about weather… here in Italy we are having crazy hot days, so strange for this period of the year (27? C!!! Oh, my god!).
    I’m photographing signs of spring like you and blogging about them (mostly about colorful flowers).
    I like the shawl, it will be perfect next autumn!
    Milla is adorable :)

  4. Oh how I am loving your lovely Spring post!

    Is that “Lingon Berry” jam, I see on your waffle?

    I just found out that we actually have a Lingon berry farm within 40 minutes of my house right here in the PNW!!! So guess who will be out picking and making jam this year!

    I am going to go crack open an “Ikea” jar of Lingon berry jam that I have in my pantry right this minute and celebrate spring in Sweden – cause it sure isn’t spring yet here!! We had a dusting of snow again last night!

  5. Book by Nick Horny. HA! I know that was a slip but it’s a funny one. Gorgeous photos as always! :)

  6. Beautiful capture of the cat! Fun to see that the spring is heading your way, we still have to may to see the crocus bloom.


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