Pay a blogger day

Pink bird illustration

I just found out via Sister Diane’s Craftypod blog that today is Pay a blogger day (that’s their campaign site), in her blog post “Pay a blogger day and How I supported some free in November”, so I finally signed up for a service called Flattr and I’m now testing it out. They write:

Bloggers give up an awful lot of their spare time to make their readers smarter, happier or simply more efficient in killing time. What if ALL of us gave something back to them, even for just one day. Buy their T-shirt, the book with affiliate links or make a donation. They’ve sure deserved it.

Pay a Blogger Day is an initiative by Flattr who makes it very easy to support blogs and other things you care about.

All you do is sign up for an account at Flattr (update: a service no longer available) and start paying your favorite bloggers! And if you have a flatter button I might just come visit your posts and give it a click and some cash love…

Kim Werker has a great video on her blog where she explains why we should all use it, and at Carina’s Craftblog I also found a blog post about Pay a blogger day today – and a flattr button!

I am a content producer

Recently in a post I was complaining that I hadn’t blogged enough and complaining that my time was limited… I got comments back that it wasn’t the end of the world and such. And of course it isn’t, I know that. But it got me thinking. Many use their blog just as another creative outlet. Something for when-ever. Some abandon it on a whim. For me it has been and always will be, a way of living and a “must do”. It’s my favorite job and I could do it all day, every day! I must do it. It’s because I think of my blog as a business, even though technically it isn’t here in Sweden.

I put in a hell of a lot of work into this blog, and I want it to be so many great things! And I am proud of what I have accomplished here, though I tend to focus on the next post and not on money making adventures that would take some planning. But I do want this blog to be frequently updated, have great links, images and information, be inspirational, organized and easy to access and have a welcoming feeling. At least that is my intention, every day. I am, what Kim is calling a “content producer” and I looove being that! If you can and want to, please feel free to flattr my blogging and content producing skills by pressing my Flattr-button (update: now Ko-fi button).

Support iHanna with a coffee dontation in a few easy clicks because it means A LOT

I appreciate you being here. Thank you!

6 Responses

  1. I’m so glad you’ve signed up for Flattr, Hanna! You ARE a content producer, and you definitely put so much time and heart into what you share here. I think it’s important for any blogger to not be afraid to make this effort evident to her readers once in a while, and to ask for support if she wants it. So, bravo on both counts!

    • Thanks for the first flattr click and your comment on the blog Diane! One of these days I will take the time to subscribe to your craftypod podcast and pay for it, as you well deserve – because I do miss it.

    • Kim, thanks for comment and your support! I’m a big fan and I will be waiting eagerly for the list of the best books you’ve read this year to come up on your blog in a month or so?! I read the hunger game on your recommendations this year and loved it!

  2. Hi Hanna,
    my plan was to sent you an email, but I coulnd’t find your adress. So I use this for my question.
    Me and my friend Kris are leading and joining several Round Robin Projects and we’re having a blog where we share al the nice things everybody made. At this moment the blog is mostely filled with pictures, but we want to do something else too. So we’re looking for guestbloggers to inspire us and all of our readers.
    And because we both really love the things you make and you inspire us, we want to ask you if you want to be one of our guests?
    Let me know, and if you have any quenstions you can send me an email.


    • Marjolein, thanks for asking! I’m so glad I inspire you guys! I don’t think I can do it right now, but please ask/remind me in January (and on what theme/topic you want it) and I will be happy to make a guest post of some kind for you.

      Take care!

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