How to End a Year in a reflective mood

It’s the end of the year and it’s soon time to start a fresh one. But before we can start anew we need to say our goodbyes. It used to be enough to show up at the New Years Party and drink a glass of champagne, but that’s not sufficient to me any more.

I need to check in, write something about it all and then do a couple of lists. And as the years go by I add more things in to my annual closure ritual. I think it has something to do with my growing expanding creativity and my drive to document everything. I need to document the ending too, and now it’s time to finish the year.

How to End a Year in a reflective mood from my point of view, ideas by iHanna,

How to say goodbye to a year

It will never come again, but looking at what you’ve stuffed into it might help you make a better stew in the future – if we talk in food metaphors… I usually don’t so let’s just drop that. It’s time to say goodbye to another creative year. This is how I do it, every year.

  • What have I achieved
    Go through your year, month by month. I don’t know how (or if, gasp!) you’ve documented it, but I document my life in several ways and at the end of the year I take the time to read through almost everything. I read what I’ve written in my blog, my diary, my calendar and then I also browse through most of the photos I’ve taken through the year. Keep a notepad close by and write down what has been important to you. What went wrong and what did you do right?
  • Review your goals and intentions
    When you read through your year have your own inner promises in front of you! How many of the goals that you set up for this year have you achieved? How many of your New Year Resolutions have you fulfilled? I made a list of intentions for 2008 that I’ve kept by my bed all year. I haven’t looked at the list that often, and when I look at that list I feel like a failure. I’m thinking I was to vague in my goals and made to many commitments when I had no energy to follow up on all of them. I need to do better next year, maybe you do to?
  • Read through your lists.
    I don’t know what kind of lists you keep, but maybe you’re keeping track of weight loss, things to do, shows you’ve seen, gifts given, postcards sent or something totally different… One of mine is Books I’ve read this year. During December I transfered my reading list from various places in my diaries to the computer. I will print it and go through it, and then I will add the “result” to my personal yearly statistics.

    ♥ I love Personal Statistics, a term I’ve invented myself. What it is? It’s the only math I can stand, and it tells the story of my year in numbers and lists.

  • Write: sum it all up!
    I’ve made a yearly summery in December for a couple of years now. In it I include the notes I took while reading through my calendar. When I first look back I always thing to myself that I’ve done nothing, created nothing, stayed at home and experienced nothing new. This year it has been one of those years again, just doldrums (stiltje) in life. But as I go back and read I find things to be proud of, places I’ve loved and about a gazillion things created by yours truly! That is what’s amazing about summarizing at the end of the year. It puts me in a reflective mood and tells me what I’ve done right, what I haven’t done at all and where I’ve erred. Plus, it makes me feel like the star in my own life.
  • Let the list maker out to play
    If you’re a list maker you already have those lists I just talked about, with books read and movies seen. Now you can make your own Personal Top Ten Lists and add them to your Personal Statistics! And if you haven’t made enough notes this year you know what to do next year. Your Personal Top Ten (or five or Best of – the number is not important and I prefer a Best of List as it is easier to look through) can be about anything, the more personal they are the more fun… Some suggestions from my own yearly list making is 1) Best Books Read, books everyone I know should read, 2) The Best I’ve been this year, 3) The Best Things I’ve bought, learned or thrifted this year, 4) The Biggest Failures for Me this year and 5) Best Crafts I’ve tried for the first time this year.

    This is just the extra fun, but lists are fun to make so you can never have to many.

    Oh, and if you do read through your blog which I think you should, please make a list of your Best Blog Posts 2008 on your blog and let me know! I promise to come by and read it, as I’ve probably missed one or two of them on your blog this year!

  • Personal Statistics of 2008
    Last but not least for me is the statistics. This is where you’ll find how many blog posts I’ve written (211 in this blog), how many books I’ve read this year (45), how many dated photo folders I’ve got on my computer (140) and how many times I’ve been flying (twice)! etc. Just as with the list this is for fun, but will also be very helpful when you plan for next year. As I notice what I’ve read and written I can take note if that’s aligned with my bigger goals for the year. And then I can plan for the future with that knowledge.

When you take the time to end your year thoroughly you’ll get a more true image of the past months, improve your self image and be better prepared for next year. At least that’s what I think. When you take the time to reflect like this you’ll become more grounded.

That’s it.

I will post a shorter list on How to Start a New Year in a Creative Way too. I will present you with my suggestions of actions to take, but remember you shouldn’t (can’t?) go forward if you haven’t finished this year in a reflective mood!

Good luck, and have fun with it.

17 Responses

  1. I like the personal statistics idea. I do a version of this. Not with the great questions you listed. Going to try that maybe tomorrow or Wednesday. Great ideas, Hannah.

  2. Such a great way to reflect on the past year and get ready for the new one. Happy New Year, Hanna! Best wishes to you. :)

  3. Happy New Year Hanna and thank you so much for stopping by my blog…if you had not it would have been my loss. I have been peeking through your blog and am loving all your good stuff. I look forward to seeing more in the new year. By the way..before blogging I would never really had anything to review…what a great idea!

  4. Vilken bra id?! Som den dokumentationsfanatiker jag ?r, s? har jag mycket att g? igenom men det beh?vs verkligen. I mina m?rkare stunder k?nns det verkligen som om jag inte har gjort n?got alls men n?r jag ser tillbaka i mina papper och p? min blogg s? ser jag ju att det har h?nt en hel del det senaste ?ret. Kul!

  5. Sometimes I think you are a genius. You should bottle this kind of stuff and make a fortune. It’s all so simple but it’s ideas that sometimes need to be spelled out before they sink in to my little brain. I’m going to print this entry off and re- read it and then start to make lists…I love lists…

  6. Happy New Year to you Hanna! Here’s to a brand new year of creativity, adventure and wisdom.
    Thank you so much for sharing your life with us!

    P.S. I’m glad to read that I’m not the only one with lists!! Hehe!

  7. I definitely resonate with this post. I am a list maker. I love my lists. Sometimes I make graphs, too, so I can see my lists in a visual form. Your post gives me new ideas for lists. And some good ways to spend my New Years Eve. I prefer reflection and spending time with my journal.

    Another list making aid is the site That site has helped me in so many ways.

  8. oh, I’ve been so busy!! Just catching up!!

    ARe you going to make another book of your blog? Because you give the best inspiration…


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