Design market – conclusion

Thanks so much to everyone for your praise and encouragement! When I make more katt-i-fnattar I will post them here and anyone interested in a trade can get back to me, I’d love to make trades with you talented girls!

Cat I made to sell, by iHanna (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

And yes, the Design market was fun and also an important and big step for me to take. I felt so calm sitting there, because nobody said anything bad: not about the crazy Art Dolls, not about me or about my prices. I couldn’t even detect a smirk. It was just so great to attend this Design Market and give it a try.

People passing by my table smiling, hesitating and stopping to ask something or comment about the “cute teddys” or the cards I had made.

And of course I have pictures of the market!
Here is my little table:

Vid mitt bord
Photo by P. I love this one so much.

I sold one of my collages (!) and a few softies. I felt P’s support and had a great time. What else could you ask for?

I could never have asked for this:

Design market


Dags f?r ?pple
But it happened. Friends came by, everyone was selling great and beatiful stuff and there where fairly many visitors even though they where in the wrong age (+ they were mostly poor students) for buying my softies! But I knew that before I went, so it was no surprice.

I made some contacts and was photographed by a girl who came by. I asked where she would put the photo and she gave me the adress to her photo diary, and there you’ll find me!

8 Responses

  1. Its so good to hear you had a positive experience. The past few fairs I have done I hardly sold a thing but it always makes it worthwhile the people who come by and who are genuinely interested about the work. Its almost as good as selling, the fact that people like your stuff. Well done! If you are ever interested in swapping one of your wonderful sweater teddies let me know :D

  2. Congratulations on the sales! That is great news! Thanks for capturing the beautiful pictures too. (I love your pink/red top!)

  3. oh my god this sounds like bunch of fun! i wish i was there.. i dont think we have something similar to this here in Kuwait ..maybe when i visit Sweden one day i will go to these fairs!

    oh and thanx alot for the pictures.. they help put the thing alltogether:)

    can you make big softies , like extra large ones.. for cushions or (like a bean bag? ) ?

  4. Congratulations on getting out there! Glad your work sold! SO cute and all your little plushies make even my toes smile! Best of luck on your continued success!!!

  5. What nice feeling on the photos – it resembles of the design/antique market in Camden Town. The closest I come this type of market nowadays is Street, and I haven’t been there yet this year – I look forward to!!

  6. Well done to you!
    I did my first craft fair in April and the whole experience was similar to yours :)))

    Love your cat basket by the way (too bad I don’t have a cat…)!

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