365 Collages | Week 47

Collage: All fired up
All fired up

This post is late because I just finished the last collages, scanned them and uploaded them tonight. I hope you like them. Please leave a comment if you have the time, to let me know if you find a favorite and what it is about that collage that you like it. Thanks!

Collage: Cooling down afterwards
Cooling down afterwards

Collage: Clover Five
Clover Five

Collage: Focus

Collage: Peripheria

Collage: Double Moon
Double Moon

Collage: Try again, doc!
Try again, doc!

They’re all kind of different, as you can see. I think they’re a bit experimental because I’m taking Stephanie Levy’s online class 30 Days of Collage this month. Lots of interesting reading (interviews and prompts) that fuel my creativity right now.

What fuels you this week?

This is a post in my series 365 Collages in 2013
Previously: Week 46 (Tissue Paper Edition) | Next Up: Week 48

18 Responses

  1. I love your Clover Five. So many different ways to use black and white! And I like how you cut your blue flower and placed it on top to other flower. Great! {:-Deb

  2. Clover 5 brought an immediate smile; my eyes happily skip & jump on, over, around the dots..dance with the words & letters…and grin at the scribble of color. Well done!

  3. Yeah, Clover Five was my favorite as well. Something about the polka dots, and being in black and white. really liked that one!

  4. Clover Five is my favorite as well, because I love the usage of book texts and B&W theme. I also like Cooling down afterwards because of the blossoming blooming feel to it.

    Blog Hug Nina Joy

  5. I like “All Fired Up” because of the yummy warm colors on such a cold day and also the interplay of the angles again. I also like “Double Moon” for the texture and I always like to play around with circles and maps in my own work so I guess that’s way it’s appealing! Loving the variety this week!

  6. I really like cooling down afterwards and peripheria – I like the way the lines work.
    The blue lines leading from the blue flower and the lines of the flower above it.
    I like the lines through the blades of grass and the pencil lines above it with the dots of
    color complimenting the colors in the grass. I liked the way they made my eyes move
    when I looked at them. As always I always like your titles – a little bit of poetry thrown
    in which help me look at each collage in a new way.
    Thanks so much as always!!

  7. Clover 5 and Double Moon struck me immediately, but always, all of the collages are wonderful. I really like the use of black and white and I liked the speckled look of the blue moons along with the pale green rice paper (?). What will you do with all your collages when this challenge ends?

  8. Clover Five is my fav. I love the black and white/ numbers/polka dots with a hint of pink. Great job.

  9. I like cooling down…like the focal point. AND clover five because I love black/white and polka dots. They are all lovely!

  10. I love your work. The first 2 are my favorites.
    Please tell me, what is the first stein doing journals like this?

    • Not sure what you mean, NancyLee…. journals like this? These are square collages. Do you mean making collages in a journal? Get a notebook and start gluing! :-)

  11. Each image makes me feel something different:

    All Fired Up = hopeful
    Cooling Down = peaceful
    Clover 5 = agitated
    Focus = warm
    Peripheria = earthy, grounded
    Double Moon = curious
    Try Again, Doc = frustrated

  12. I LOVE these!! That Clover 5 is awesome and my favorite and the cooling down one next then all the rest. These were all extra awesome this time. The titles for each one made me love them more. Love seeing your collages!!

  13. Hi Hanna…If I had to pick a favorite, I would pick Clover 5…I like them all…it’s a great group!!!

  14. Hi, i like your 365 collages very much. Wouldn’t know which to pick! I admire artists who do collages- I don’t like to have so much stuff arround, so I am very happy with my iPad drawings. Gerda

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