Making a Christmas Junk Journal for myself

How do you put a Christmas junk journal together? How do you decide what cover to use and what papers to include as pages? Here are some of my thought process about just that. It’s not a tutorial, but hopefully you’ll find the video inspiring.

My Christmas Journal 2020

Last year I wanted to do a series on YouTube about making Christmas Journals,  the one I have in the shop and the one I wanted to use for myself that year… But then I finished editing the first one at the end of December. I uploaded it, but probably you missed it so I thought I’d share it today.

Making my own Christmas Junk Journal

In this video from last year, I show what kind of papers I picked out for my own Christmas Junk Journal, I talk a bit about the thought process behind making it and then promise more than I could keep up with… :-)

If you can’t see the embedded video click the title of the blog post to visit my blog or go watch Making Christmas Journals directly on YouTube where you can also give the video a thumbs up.

Ali Edwards is the creator of the concept “December Daily”, and I have talked about her before. Her project is a scrapbook project that documents the 24 or 25 days leading up to Christmas in a photo album!

Mine is more of an Art Journaling project that I do in a Traveler’s Notebook. It has elements of collage, collecting Christmas papers and cards and of course, it chronicling my days, kind of.

Making Christmas Junk Journals on a messy Studio iHanna desk

December Journaling with iHanna

Here’s my Christmas playlist from years past, enjoy!

I am just getting into my own Christmas book again this year, and that feels so nice right now.

One of the things that always help me “get in the mood” (because let’s face it, the Christmas Joy is not always in place) is watching others journal the month away. Be it vlogmas or daily December journaling videos, I’m on YouTube for it.

December Daily on YouTube

This list is from last year’s watching but it might give you a hint on where to start, although I am hoping my first video will be up on Studio iHanna tomorrow, which you will be notified of if you’re subscribed to me on YouTube!

December is kind of special, don’t you think?

Do you have any tips for favorite YouTubers to watch in December? What is your number one tip for getting “in the mood” before it’s all over? Any help is much appreciated. xo

Christmas Junk Journals for sale made by iHanna in Sweden #decemberdaily
There are a few Christmas Junk Journals left in the shop – they make lovely Christmas gifts for journaling friends (or yourself) and you will help sponsor my glue stick addiction!

2 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing your great videos and beautiful photography of your Christmas journal! It’s so fun to see you create your journal and work through some of the pages!
    When I’m not quite in the Christmas mood yet, I try to turn up the Christmas music and either drink something that smells Christmasy or light a candle that reminds me of Christmas. If that doesn’t work, I watch a Christmas movie (if I have time.) My favorite Christmas movie is White Christmas, with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. Baking Christmas cookies for neighbors also helps sometimes!
    Hope you find your Christmas spirit!

  2. This seems to be a good idea to collect all those memorable Christmas notices into your own journal. Already Christmas itself is a bundle of joy. This scrapbook project adds all those bundles into one creative booklet which is just awesome.

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