Stamped Cats on Mom’s Postcards

In this year’s postcard swap my mom went into total paper play mode, cutting out paper shapes, gluing stuff down, stamping everything and then also adding decorative patterns with her fancy sewing machine, making her 10 awesome stamped postcards.

Mom's stamped postcards 2011 #diypostcardswap #studioihanna

I forgot to show her the glitter bottles, but maybe that was lucky or the cost for postal stamps might have doubled! ;-)

Mom's stamped postcards 2011, photo by iHanna

Moms and their daughters

Me and mom were not the only mom and daughter team this year! Sophie (who made some gorgeous postcards) got her mom to sign up again, and I know at least two other mom’s who signed up with their older daughters!

Mom's postcards 2011

This was not meant to be a swap for kids (I just didn’t think about mentioning kids because I don’t have any), but I didn’t set an age limit either so anyone who wanted to join was welcome (though not groups of people wanting to do it together). I think the personal touch of a postcard is important, the little message on the back, the email saying thanks, the feeling of reaching out and sharing.

Postcard making: playing with materials
Mom in her sewing room, set up for play with papers, stamps and markers by the sewing machine. She experimented with her new batch of small cat stamps (super cute!) and some scrapbook papers from my left overs (mostly purple because I don’t use that colour).

Postcard making: stamping
She had no plan just a wish to make something fun and pretty. She was totally absorbed by stamping girls, cats and her message to the world of swappers; Wishing you a day filled with good things! :-)

Postcard making: colouring
Adding more colour by colouring in some of the stamp images. iHanna’s mom Yvonne is having fun!

Mom's postcards 2011: good things indeed
There are so many different ways to make a postcard, as you can see if you take a look at the diversity of the DIY Postcard Swap group on flickr! I’m very impressed with what everyone has created this year! So many styles and ideas, so much colour and joy, makes me happy to see!

All of mom’s stamped postcards

all of Mom's postcards 2011
Made by Yvonne in Sweden. You can tell she had fun making them, right?

And a close up of two of the cards:
Mom's postcards 2011
Super cute mom!

Last year my mom made shabby chic roses from transparent fabric for the DIY Postcard Swap. She was excited to receive mail from all over the world and wanted to join this year too, and I was happy to have her even though I had to help her write the message for the back, hehe.

If you want to leave a message for my mom about her postcards please feel free to do so below and I will let her know! I think she understands English just fine but she doesn’t feel able to spell or write in English (mostly because it’s been a few years since she was in school and got some practice)… Personally I kind of see a love for my cat Smilla in these postcards, don’t you? Mom was never a cat person before, and she still isn’t a huge cat fan, though through the past years she has turned into a one-cat-lover kind of person. But, of course, everyone loves Smilla. ;-)

Postcard sharing still going strong!

People are still adding links to the link widget in my post Sharing the postcard joy if you want to visit a few of the other postcard swappers out there (now more than 100 links there!). Leave a comment if you have the time, I think many of these creative and wonderful bloggers who share their postcarding process would love a visit!

10 of mom's stamped  DIY Postcards #diypostcardswap #happymail #mailart

Read more about the DIY Postcard Swap here.

19 Responses

  1. Those cards are just adorable. I have seen so many wonderful cards in the postcards swap pool that I wish I could receive one of every player. Thanks for reposting the link with all the postcards links, I had lost it.

  2. I love your mum’s cards, the paws and stitching are super touches and that little girl is so cute! I also love the fact that you got those mother-daughter teams participating, what a great way to bond! Still sulking at having missed this year’s swap!

  3. Thanks for playing along Caatje and visiting fellow swappers too! :-) Imagine getting 270 postcards during a month… hehe, overwhelming!

    Grace, I know! You need to sign up for my newsletter so you can be sure to get the news quickly next time!

  4. Hanna, I subscribed immediately when I found your blog, which is fantabulous. I spent at least an hour exploring when I got here. It was just unfortunately it was past the deadline! Never mind, there’s always next time right?

  5. My mom and I get together with my sis once a month and have art night. I love the creativity I express when I’m with family and feel safe! I’m happy to see others doing the same! I Love your blog- it’s so inspiring!

  6. You can tell your mum she did very well, the paws and that supercute little girl. I love these cards. So far I’ve got 6 cards and it’s still so exiting to open the mailbox . Loved this whole thing.

  7. Wow your mum’s cards are ace! I keep trying to get my mum to be crafty but she just won’t play! I won’t give up though!

  8. I love your mom’s postcards…would love to be getting one! I wish, wish, wish, that my mother lived close enough for us to “art around” together.

  9. When I lived in Korea and my mom was in Texas we used to send home made post cards to each other all the time, so when I read about your post card swap I told her about it and encouraged her to sign up. She ended up having such a good time making cards that she made over 25!

  10. Your mom’s postcards are gorgeous! As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree… Your talent surely comes from her (at least part of it.)
    It might be fun to eventually have a mother/daughter swap. I think that it’s a great bonding experience.
    I will add my mom’s blog post to the link list now.

    And yes, everyone loves Smilla! >’.’

  11. Love your Moms cards and so proud that I got one! It was the first one I received and my heart leapt when I saw it among those dredded bills and junk mail.

  12. Yvonne, your cards are beautiful. We say in English, “Like mother – like daughter.” Hanna has worked so hard to coordinate such a huge postal event, I’m so happy to see how many creative people (and moms) have supported her!! She deserves it. Best wishes from Germany, tj

  13. I was one of the lucky recipients of these beautiful cards…the fourth one in on the top row. I love it. Hanna, you are so blessed to be able to share creative activities with your mom! Thank you for coordinating this swap.

  14. i just realized i got one of your mom’s cards. i love it, it is so cute and whimsical. i posted it on my blog last week. tell her i loved it.

  15. Hallo every wonderful people out there, I am so glad for all the beautiful words you say about my cards. Thank you! Many thanks, I am so happy. Love from Hannas mom Yvonne. Many thanks to my daughter too, I love you.

  16. These are SO cute! I wish my mother would get involved in some way like this. She has so much talent that she doesn’t use…
    May I ask how OLD/YOUNG your mother is??

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