
Morrisons book Beloved and some yarn I love.

The Lovikka mittensI’ve been knitting on my very long socks all day while listening to Toni Morrison reading her Beloved on audio cassette. It’s so great! Both the story and her voice – and I’m enjoying not having to read for my self for a change. It’s like being on holiday.

My much needed mittens in Lovikka grey and Trend Wool pink is on hold (see picture), because my beloved pink yarn is finished! I have to get more, or cry out loud. Will buy more, even though I think it is to expensive for me right now. The yarn is thick and lovely to knit in, but knits up to fast. Maybe I should frog just to be able to knit some more in it? Hehe. No, I’m sticking to my long socks and trying to finish them this week.

4 Responses

  1. Also working on a pair of Lovika mittens… haven’t made it past the thumb opening… it will be next winter before they are completed. Like the lovely pink color you are using.

  2. Very warm mittens for a cold period this winter and the next one.Good luck finding more yarn.
    I’m listening at Sv?lh?let by Mikael Niemi.Much better when he reads then when you only read the stories.I love listening to Sara Lidman reading her books.Just so fantastic.A good idea to listen to something when you knit. I’m going to the library finding more books .
    Ulla in the north of Sweden

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