Collecting beauty

Doing or just collecting?

Na, not doing anything with all the things I buy, not right now. I’m just a big collector of stuff. Even got a new category here in il Bloggo called More stuff! Don’t think any posts there will be really interesting reading, but more of a “I want to record all my stuff so I remember when and why”-category. Just jump to other categories on your left if you don’t want to know what I stuff into my closet!

Button, music and more lace
10 sheets of music notes from the 60’s (for my collages), some wooden and glas buttons and some white lace – all for 60 SEK. It’s for something I’ll make some day…

Pink scraps of second hand fabric
At the same indoor flea market as I got the above finds I got a scrap of checked pink fabric that matches perfect with a scrap of flowery fabric that I bought the other day on the Internet. Looks like a little something for a baby girl or a doll. I really like them, but what to make? I feel I really can’t sew at all sometimes. And when to bring out the sewing machine?

4 Responses

  1. You have some lovely things, Hanna! I am a collector too :) I really like the pink and green fabric. I am not so good at sewing, but hopefully I can make some things for the summer season.

    Thank you SO much for stopping by my blog–it was wonderful to hear from you! :)

  2. those blue buttons are beautiful! It’s always good to have lots of fabric and trims on hand for when the spirit moves you. at least that’s how I justify collecting so much more than I use!

  3. Hi Hanna!
    Thank you SO MUCH for visiting my site! :) I am so happy now because I have the opportunity to explore yours – – your site is so BEAUTIFUL and INSPIRATIONAL! ;)


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