Some stuff from 2006 – photos
I wanted to post some photos from December 2006, to kind of finish that year off here in my blog and then be able to take more photos of crafts during this piggy year.
A snow globe I thrifted for my friend Anna Ost. It was only half filled with water when I found it, but I filled it up and polished the surface – and it looks as good as new with it’s plastic kitch shine.
I don’t know what I thought… that I wouldn’t get any Christmas presents at all perhaps? I bought mostly stuff for myself this year, and the gifs I got from me was great. I bought a simple yet nice rose embrodery kit from Hemflit, crayons, a blank book even though I didn’t need it plus even more black drawing and writing pens! Thanks to me!
At the town market I also bought a blue alpaca sweater that is very soft and cozy. It is unlike me to buy clothes, and at the market… But sometimes unexpected things happen and you see things differently than before. The alpacka is from Peru, and the man who sold it to me look like he came from there too. I fantasized that he was kin to the farmer, but I guess that would be to romantic to be true.
And here is a photo of when P helped me install the Epson scanner-printer-copier machine:
Thank you so much mom and dad for this great Christmas gift!
I can’t wait to start using it. I will start scanning some art journal pages soon, plus sketches and old vintage cards and… I love imagery and a scanner will be lots of fun. Plus, I will be able to print recent photos and use in my art journal this year. Make personal colour post and greeting cards… And experiment with my photos will be more fun now that I can print them too! Hurray, why did I wait so long to understand how much I needed this? hehe.
Before we went to the mountain cabin after Christmas Eve, I lit the chandelier candles for the first time I think. I just had to take a photo of how beautiful it was. The candles were made by me in December 2005.
I’m almost finished with the rose pillow embroidery since I’ve been working on it so much last week! I’ll take some photos as soon as I’m finished. I’ve already picked up a fabric for backing in town.
This week I’ve been editing a manuscript of my blog 2006, and that is the book I will send to print-on-demand that I confused so many of you with in another post this week. It will contain all posts from 2006, pictures and some extra information. I will tell you more about it later, I promise. I manly doing it for my self, because I would like to save what I did last year in one document, but you will be able to purchase a copy. I just didn’t know how much work it would be when I started this! But it is fun, and it gives me lots of ideas for future projects that I want to do.
And as for the sleepless nights I will tell you more in detail why later this month. It is not only small craft projects, but bigger ones as well that is swirling in my mind right now. I hope you too are bubbling with energy and ideas for this year?!
I’ve already signed up for a Valentine postcard swap, I hope you want to join too!