DIY Painted Postcards

DIY painted Postcards #6 by iHanna 2013 for iHannas DIY Postcard Swap (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Send – skicka, sända, utsända, förläna, giva, göra, skicka iväg!

Don’t look now if you’re in the swap and want suprises in your mail box – but I can not wait to share more of my postcards! I looove these DIY Postcards, made in the same way as the blue one. Acrylic paint in layer upon layer!

DIY painted Postcards #5 by iHanna 2013 for iHannas DIY Postcard Swap (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Painted and collaged postcard made by me, iHanna, 2013.

After I cut the painting into four pieces I added some (very few) collage elements. After three days I knew what was missing – some words! So I went to look for a vintage English-Swedish thrifted dictionary that I knew I had in storage. I found it and cut out a word for each card!

Above Send (yes I will) and Sensibility (meaning: an acute perception of or responsiveness toward something, such as the emotions of another – fitting for a postcard, right?)

DIY painted Postcards #7 by iHanna 2013 for iHannas DIY Postcard Swap (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

Spree – a fun word I’ve never used but now love and will look for ways to use.

DIY painted Postcards #8 by iHanna 2013 for iHannas DIY Postcard Swap (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

Making postcards is fun, fun, fun!

Yours sincerely

PS: Sign up for the DIY Postcard Swap if you haven’t yet. It’s a very international swap as usual – with folks from Italy, Sweden, Slovenia, Germany, US, UK, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Norway… and on and on!

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7 Responses

  1. “Send” is my favorite! I have tried this technique, too, but I was much more tentative in my color choice. I think I will have to spice it up! Thanks for the additional inspiration!

  2. Okay I wasn’t going to sign up for your postcard swap this time around but you sucked me in with this technique! I signed up and spent a fun afternoon creating many more than 10 postcards! Now I just have to figure out who to mail them all to! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  3. These postcards are going to make the recipients very happy! I love your collage technique because it *looks* effortless and I know it’s not. I can see the postal service all along the way smiling when they look at these!