C’et la vie

I wanted to post a picture of the most unusual (for me) place that I’ve made art. Now I’ve found the picture!

It’s me working in my art journal in a open air salon just outside our bed room inside the tent. I sat there listening to the wind whispering in the trees that were shading me from the hot sun.

Me art journaling while camping in  Ardeche France
Me art journaling outdoors while camping in France.

 This was in 2005. In Ardeche, France. I truly loved this camping ground. It felt like a home away from home, and I hope I can go back someday. Ardeche is beautiful!

Because we had the big car-buss I could bring a whole plastic “art box” filled with paint, magazines and pens. You can see it in the picture above. It made me calm to know I had it with me. I collected maps and brochures art everywhere and glued them into my spiral bound art journal that summer. I also made a lot of amigurumi in the car when we were on the road.

Where is the most unusual place you’ve made art? Let me and Susan Tuttle (who was the one who gave me this idea) know!

Oh, and here is another beautiful picture from Ardeche:

Church in Ardeche on the countryside of France (Photo coyright Hanna Andersson)
Church in Ardeche

C’est la vie, huh? I haven’t been to a real holiday since summer 2005… I hope I can go somewhere next summer. *crossing my fingers*

17 Responses

  1. What lovely photos you have shared here. I love your blog and your journaling style.

    Have a wonderful day,

  2. ?h, Frankrike, jag saknar Frankriket! :(
    (jag kom inte heller iv?g den h?r sommaren, men jag fick hela v?rlden p? bes?k i st?llet)

    Jag tror att gatan ?r det konstigaste st?llet jag har varit kreativ p?. Men det ?r v?l inte s? konstigt med gatukonst?

    Btw: You are tagged! :) (for the eight random facts challenge – check my blog for the rules). Feel free to participate, or not…

  3. Hi Hannah,
    Ardeche looks amazing!! What a wonderful place to camp, relax, and create! Thank you so much for sharing your story–I really enjoyed it!


  4. oh i can see a mural in that church photo…i make art everwhere…best place for me was in palm springs, ca…at la quinta resort…summer 2005…blessings, rebecca

  5. Hi Hanna – thanx for visiting my blog. The photo above is wonderful – you can almost taste the freshly made French bread and Camembert, washed down with a full-bodied bottle of vin rouge of course! Even though France is a neighbour country I’ve hardly explored it at all – it will have to go on my must visit list. Looks like you had a lot of fun with the brochures!

    Sue (Lancashire, England)

  6. Hi Hannah,
    I’ve been to the Ardeche too some years ago and it was one of my most memorable holidays. We were on a campground directly beside the river. The frogs were croaking during the night. We lit campfires almost every night and slept outside the tents because it was so warm. There were lots of little empty bays where you could lay and bath naked if you wanted to. Yes I probably will go again one day. And Avignon is not far for a city day trip.

    Love your blog:-)

  7. hanna – another post from last summer that you are sharing with the street team in february! you’re making me miss sunny days and barebfeet. love that you said having your art supplies with you was calming. nice big box filled with comfort. terrific EVIDENCE journal pages! thanks for playing!

  8. Wouldn’t it be cool to drape over one of those bales (?) on your stomach and hang your arms over and paint with your journal on the ground?

    okay, maybe it’s just me.

    Anyway, you continue to make me eager for the weekend, when I can go outside and work on my pages all morning!! Thanks.

  9. Me, again.

    I have wanted your book for a long time, and I’m just going to jump in and get it! It’s such a great idea, to let us take your blog with us wherever we go. I think I’ll take it to Hawaii!

  10. you look like you are having so much fun! And what a gorgeous countryside! Lovely.Looks like you put a lot into your pages, wish I could see all those details! I love your blog header, too.

  11. this is really really cool – thanks for sharing – and I agree – journal supplies at the ready DO make one feel calm – oh yes!

    xox – eb.

  12. I am learning so much from Michelle’s latest Crusade. I never realized that my journals and art kit were a kind of artistic comforter for me, too. Maybe that’s why I always have them with me. Thank you for your insight! I really enjoyed your al fresco journaling adventure and that gorgeous photo. Thanks for sharing! — JeriAnn

  13. Great photographs! I have often dreamed of an entire summer travelling about in a car/bus, collecting things along the way that I could not possibly get if I were travelling any other way. I am sending wishes for you chance to travel again this summer. Thanks for sharing your little bit of heaven on earth.

  14. How wonderful that you actually work on your journals outside, and it looks as though it was a beautiful place, very inspiring. Ux