Pretty stamps and postcards

Some of the postcards I’ve gotten that I did not put in the postcard binder, because they are still up on my Inspiration Board, like these two pink ones.
I’ve also got photos up there, like my favorite photo of Smilla the cat, and a sushi ATC:
I got the sushi ATC from Nat who lives in Australia! On the envelope I noticed this super cute stamp and had to cut it out to save it. I love postal stamps that are cute and sweet, like this one:
Yeah, one of the coolest things about getting mail from all over the world… you get so much prettiness to look at. Not only the actual postcard/artwork – you get a handwritten message and sometimes, postal stamps that totally makes your day.
I love this one too:
Flower bouquet stamp from the US.
Got this Postcard mail art by Jennie Hinchcliff of Red letter day to my parents address in the beginning of the year. Love the teddies!
This one is one actually put in the postcard binder:
I think it’s the first one I ever made for a swap, back in 2005. Love that I made one extra in the series that year, one that I got to keep. I have one from last years swap left too, now in the said binder.
Do you save pretty stamps and postcards too? If you haven’t joined this year’s diy postcard swap, now is the time!
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I’ve recently started to save postage stamps when they are well designed and have cute subjects. I often glue them on my moleskine pages.
I also like drawing faux postage stamps. They are fast creative acts and I really enjoy drawing one of two faux stamps when I have 5 minutes to spend in art making :)
I’m really really considering using my favorite stamp designs for a moleskine cover… love my notebooks pimped!
I am SOOO disappointed that I can’t do the swap this year. I’m going to be on holiday and just won’t have time to make and send them in time. Wahhhhh. I love your post card swap and thank you for doing it. Maybe next year.
Rockyann, there will be another one next year! Enjoy your holiday and think of me who is always staying at home… Waaaah!
Yay! I LOVE the magic feather ATC, Hanna! Thanks so much! I am catching up on sleep and trying to cure a cold, but post coming in a few days about mail art. What do you mean “throw away your embroidery attempt” you must be crazy! It’s gorgeous, and perfect, and I am delighted. Thank you!
Nat, so glad you’re back safe at home (what an awesome trip you did!) and that the ATC arrived to your satisfaction. Will you join the postcard swap then? I want a postcard from you! *hint hint*
hur kan jag ladda hem din postcardswap-grej till min bloggsida?
Ingrid, spara ner knappen genom att högerklicka och välja “spara bild som” och lägg den t.ex. på ditt skrivbord. Ladda sedan upp den till din egen blogg och länka bilden till mitt inlägg om swappen. Vet inte exakt vad du vill ha hjälp med, du får fråga igen om du behöver mer hjälp. :)
This is so funny, I was actually thinking the other day how I love stamps and I even started re-collecting them to creative projects.
I’m even thinking about getting different beautiful stamps that so I can send them to the DIY postcard exchangers. It would be nice for them to get a pretty stamp instead of a regular mapple leaf and/or Queen Elizabeth one. :-p
Fanie, indeed, postal stamps can be beautiful but sometimes they are very boring indeed. But the Queen Elizabeth one (in pink!) can be pretty, especially when repeated on a big surface… Or, since you’re an illustrator, should draw your own stamps! Wanna make the official diy postcard swap stamp of 2012? Now that would be cool! Hehe, maybe it could feature me and Smilla… ;-)
I love Cathe Holden’s printable repeat stamp pattern (intended for a postage-stamp-quilt)!
ATC-sushin kan vara det mest fantastiska broderi jag någonsin sett! Så himla himla fint och vilken rolig idé!
i’ve got a good start on my postcards. i’m so glad you are hosting this swap again, i really enjoyed participating last year. i just posted my first batch on my blog.