A girl with many passions

Recycled tin cans

These are recycled tin cans that I’ve wrapped in gray wallpaper. I love tin cans, they are such great containers for pens, scissors, paint brushes and all those little items that is floating around in my life. These are for my parents though, because they match the wallpaper they have one wall close to the computer desk. Recycled both the cans and the wallpaper – fun and easy craft project!

I’m trying to be efficient when I sit by my computer, but the more I try to organize my time the more wonderful blogs I find all around that I want to enjoy, read back on and add to my daily list of visits. I click on to galleries and past work and wish I could comment on everything I see! You are all so wonderful!

Pink stars
(Pink glittery stars that I bought very cheap at a flower shop after Christmas – aren’t they awesome? I don’t know what I’m going to do with them yet but I’m so happy I grabbed a few!)

Though I’m trying to unsubscribe to as many blogs as I can right now I’m still adding new ones that I’m curious about. Can’t help it! Especially love journaling girls with so much inspiration it hurts my head. I’m falling in love over and over again, and it gives me little time to actually leave the computer and do some craft projects and art myself! I’m finding blogs I have never visited before and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong/right. And new to me Swedish blogers are popping up everywhere. Swedish girls that are writing about subjects that I’m passioned about; journaling, daily creativity, art, goal making, happiness, craft, projects, notebooks, inspiration, books… Amazing!

Today I finally designed a very small “poster”
with my goals for 2008! It’s not really a poster but a list that I will print and put over my bed, in my art journal, in my handbag and on other places where I might see it and review it daily! I’ve had it on my nozbe – list for a few weeks now. I love ticking things of, and it’s one of my goals to tick things of at that site! Another one is to not make long link lists in my blog but to write more and concentrate on the creative side of my life. When I take the time to sit down and write I fall in love with that too, over and over again. I just love cranking out words, creating sentences, making my life meaningful and connecting to others with the written word! I love it! I had so much fun last week writing in Swedish at the Kravallblogg!

From Brio

I wrote about some of the things I feel passionated about, like the new to me craft store Brio that we visited last week. Some of the things I bought were fun patterned tissue paper for doing collages in my journal (love the polka dots!), a bag of brightly colored wool yarn that I will try to knit a bag with (to felt), stickers, plastic mosaic, a set of color pencils (yummy to play with), glitter, pink sequins, big number stamps (for doing a Lynne Perrella inspired collage that I’m planning) and a whole lot of glue sticks. I don’t think I would say that glue sticks are one of my passions but I’m sure is passionated about gluing things down and these finish quickly around here!

Writing in Swedish was interesting
, and I got into the mood of changes but I still don’t know how or if. Shall I start another blog about creativity in Swedish or change my main writing language here and loose you my favorite readers? Or should I start another blog with my art journaling pages that I can’t fit here? Or should I… One of my new years resolutions is to write more, but also to focus on what I need to reach the bigger goals, like starting to make some money. Another blog feels wrong (=too time consuming, too much work) in the bigger picture. We’ll see what happens.


Knitting week is going OK. One project finished (will show soon) and the threads of the finished (!) sleeves are all weaved in! Phew, what a job that was. Loving stripes is not fun when it comes to finishing a project I can promise that.

Over and out for now.

21 Responses

  1. k?nner igen mig i det d?r att sugas upp av datorn s? mycket att det egna blir lite lidande. Jag fastnar extremt l?tt och b?de vill och inte vill slukas upp av fl?det. Det kluriga ?r att jag vill kunna allt och l?ra mig allt underbart som jag ser samtidigt som frustrationen ?ver att ingenting blir gjort v?xer n?r jag sitter vid datorn. S? nu har jag b?rjat k?pa b?cker om skapande n?r ekonomin till?ter s? jag kan inspireras n?r datorn ?r av. Det ?r ocks? d?rf?r jag vill skapa varje dag f?r g?r jag det f?r jag tv? saker: det f?rsta ett konkret bevis p? att dagen g?r och det andra s? leder det till att jag i sm? steg l?r mig mer och mer.

    Senaste besattheten just nu ?r altered books och art journaling. Det passar mig precis f?r det ?r vad jag gjort tidigare och vad jag ?lskar att g?ra. S? nu undrar jag om du har n?gra bra tips p? ing?ngar till denna ljuvliga v?rld s? jag inte beh?ver tokscanna n?tet i evigheter. Jag har b?rjat g? igenom din lista med underbara bloggar men det ?r som du s?ger: ett mentalt klister till viss del.

    Glad ?r jag att jag snubblade ?ver din blogg iallafall och jag f?ljer dig via bloglines s? jag ser n?r du uppdaterar :-)

  2. oh dear! you are great! please don’t change and start writing in swedish :)
    you did a great job with those cans!
    I risk to be unpopular here but I like cands “naked” so much! At least once a month I sit down with an intention to “dress up” few cans and… it always ends the same – I put all the cans back… “naked”.
    Does it happens to you sometimes too?

  3. i love the wallpaper wrapped cans you’ve created!!

    i also have trouble with finding so much inspiration on the web and needing to pull myself away so i actually do some creating! it’s a tricky balance!

  4. I’m going through similar self-pondering ups and downs now…

    … you should do what makes you truly happy and feels right…

    … but I would be very sad if you started writing in Swedish :) … except that I would still visit to look at your photos…

    … you could always write in both languages like Belinda at belindaschneider.wordpress.com…

    … and I really like the long link lists even though I don’t usually have time to click through all of them… they’re like a great bookshelf to browse.

  5. I just found your blog a month ago, and I am enjoying it so much. I work in different media than you, but you are so inspiring, because you love what you are doing so much! I hope I can keep reading you, although, as Alison says, we can still look at your pictures, and I know a few Swedish words….

    Do what you love most, at the moment!

  6. Hej Hanna,
    When I started my blog I was actully
    going to make a separate blog just
    for links to other blogs and I didn’t
    do it. The list can get so long.
    When I didn’t have a blog I’d go to
    Violettes and link there to peoples.
    In Favorites the list can get pretty
    long also.

    I know what you mean about getting away
    from the computer and actully doing art
    yourself. It takes time to blog. I haven’t
    figured out yet the happy medium.

    I wanted some ispiration one day and I
    thought about going around blogland but
    told myself no you have your own ideas.
    Use them!!!LOL!

    I opened comments back up on my blog. I
    don’t know if you got a chance to see the
    pink stuffed pony I made by using a Dala
    or the Blue Elephant Collage, since I had turned
    off comments. I turned them back on. They are
    in December archives. I don’t remember the dates.

    Have a Blessed Happy Creative Year!!!

  7. I forgot to say I love the Pink Stars.

    I never seen a Black Dala or one with
    material on it.

    Have a Creative Blessed Happy Year!!!

  8. thanks for your comments girls1

    ieva: I promise I’ll keep writing in English for now anyway, I like you all to much to stop.

    Flassie: the black horse is from IKEA once upon a time, it’s kind of a vintage item with a modern twist? They sold all kinds of crazy horses back then, polka doted and others. :-)

  9. I am amazed at the blogs I see in 2 languages, I feel so inadaquate with just English! I just stumbled onto SuziBlu…wow, what an amazing artist/video blogger she is, that would be cool indeed to meet her.

    I love those polka dot papers you found, you will have fun creating journal pages with those.

  10. Hej Hanna

    Du f?r g?ra precis som du vill med bloggen bara du inte l?gger ner =) hemska tanke!

    Jo jag ville be dig om att tipsa om dessa sv bloggerskor du skriver om…jag k?nner faktiskt bara till dig som ?r svensk och har en s?n h?r kreativitetsblogg :/ dela med dig =) !!

  11. Oh Hanna, I hope you continue to write in English because your blog is one of my favorites and I am sure the favorite of many English speaking bloggers out there! Maybe you could think about in Swedish certain days of the week and writing in English the other days…just a thought!

  12. Don’t stop posting in English! We’d miss you!

    Why don’t you do a paragraph in English and one in Swedish? You wouldn’t have to think up 2 paragraphs, just translate one.

    Good luck with your goals!

  13. I really like those cans. I often do that..recycle cans and use them at my work table but I didn’t think about wrapping them in wallpaper. Great idea!

  14. Hi Hanna, I hope you’re not serious about writing in Swedish, if you are give me a time frame here, I have to check out our local college and see if they teach how to write and read Swedish, it looks not easy at all but I will if I have to. This is one of the Hanna attitude I got from you “you can do it” right? I am now fearless in trying new things because of you, I am now on page 165 of your book, I cannot wait so I started reading it. I could have finished this already but I am taking my time. You have inspired me with amigurumi, so I made an amigurumi Snow Man a spoof of the real snow man you have because I live in California and so my snow man is just right for our climate. Thanks for all the inspiration.

  15. Hello,
    I love your tin cans that you covered with wall paper….. They turned out really nice! Hope it’s okay, I have featured them on my new blog. I did a post on using tin cans for craft organization and I thought your cans would be a great feature.

    Thank you so much for sharing :0)

    • Jamie B, glad you liked them and I hope you do something with your own tin cans at home… It’s much nicer if you ask BEFORE taking someones images and showing them on your own blog (or you could just make your own content) but since you’re new at blogging (I’m guessing) I won’t complain too much… Be well!

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