Collage time during the Holidays
Today I must say like Jeannine of four rooms blog who wrote;
So much to “report” but my inner-reporter is – surprisingly – feeling very quiet at the moment. I think I’m also still a little rusty from my blogging break.
I’ve come home from my holiday and celebrated Christmas with my family. Straight from a sandy beach wearing big sunglasses and straight into a white landscape made of out snow. Both beautiful views in their own way.
Now there are projects and this year to finish, photos to edit, posts to write, books to review, goals to set for 2010… I’m having a difficult time getting anything done when there is so much to do. Where to start? How to prioritize in this mess I create around me? I sat down and closed my mind for a while – just took some Art journal time, well – a lot of art journal time that is…
This is a “after Christmas and travel” collage in my current (altered book) Art Journal:
Look close – you’ll see some labels, wrapping papers, gift tags, bits of postcards, candy wrappers, a paper bag from the vacation, rub-ons, magazine images and random stickers and some decorative tape. Plus acrylic paint here and there of course!
Here is another page with a holiday collage:
This page might get some text later, but for today I’ll leave it like this.
One Year on Twitter
Ricė of Voodoo Notes blog wrote a very geeky post about how she uses twitter and facebook. I thought it was great, and finally I understood these sites better. I am downloading the software TweetDeck. And I love it, and finally I “get” twitter after using it for almost a year. Let me know what you think about it if you’re on there.
I’m @iHanna of course.
Tomorrow another post, maybe I’ll have made some more planning by then…
Oh, don’t miss these below, some more detail images from my Art Journal; my favorite part (cropping out favorite parts, because I always want to crawl into other people’s collage and live there);
Collage detail images:
I should be doing some writing on this spread right now;
Finishing the 12 months of 2009 and thinking about new beginnings and plans for next year…
Maybe next year, just focus on one thing at a time;
Image above drawn by Laura Wilson, found on flickr. Print it out and then cut slits with xacto knife where horizontal lines are and slide in your own to do list, so you only see what you need to do right now/today. Just a little sunshine and focus. Neat huh?
Thanks for the links iHanna, there is a lot in there.
I hope you have a wonderful New Year.
Thanks Zoom, happy new year to you too! How did the travel journal work out? Mine is full, will blog about it later! Link lists are fun to make, I kind of get caught up in making them sometimes… :-)
VERY inspiring!
Yay! These are my favorite kind of collages you do! Lots of fun little images so it takes a long time to really make sure you’ve seen everything.
I really want to work on being much more creative with paint this year (you are such an inspiration with all of your experiments!) and thank you so much for the link about using wrapping paper! I have always saved wrapping paper and lately I’ve been obsessed with printed tissue papers. This Christmas I scored some blue shades with pieces of glitter in it! I won’t say I was more excited about the tissue paper than the gift, but it was real close! =cD
Happy New Year, Hanna! Can’t wait to see what you learn about and create next year!
SO MUCH to read, here! Love it when you link.
RED red red! Great pages. You brought so much together and made it work.
Glad you had a good trip. I know what you mean about having so much to do you don’t know how to start. One day at a time, my friend. That’s the only way!
“Es eilt die Zeit. Sie bleibt nicht steh`n, bald schreiben wir 2010….”
I wish you a colourful, creative, inspiring and HAPPY NEW YEAR.
nice collages
Hi Hanna- I know in the blog world this post was AGES ago ;) but I just had to comment. I absolutely love these spreads, they capture the frenetic joy of the holidays so well! Jumbled and busy – but happy! I wanted to make some stuff similar to this, using the detritus of the Christmas season, but I just didn’t quite have it together enough to gather up enough bits and pieces. Maybe next year! :)
Betsi, thanks for your comment! I looove getting comments on older posts, as it lets me know there is a lot of value in the archives of my blog too. I sometimes forget to look back on what I’ve done, so when I get a comment on an old post I take the time to re-read that post.
I had to be in a hurry to gather some of the cool wrapping paper after present opening – or it would all be tossed away. You could also collect cards and gift wrap at your own or someone else birthday and make a very colorful page! Thanks and have fun with your journal!
I love all colors in these pages.