Craft gift sent from Italy

Got a package today from Francesca in Italy that was the one sending me a hand crafted item in a Craft Swap that I joined.

Here are some of the sweet things Francesca sent me:
From the Craft Trade to iHanna from Francesca
Sweet, and the little bag contains tea that smells wonderful. Mmm…

It was all wrapped in a beautiful home crafted box, with a letter plus a vase and a little pot that her friend made. So lots of goodies for me. What a fun trade! I hope the girl that I sent a craft package will be as pleased as I am!

3 Responses

  1. hej hanna!

    well… I love languages! and lately I am interested in northern europe too. Swedish seems interesting and I love the way it sounds when spoken. So that’s why! If I ever find a class I will take it but for now I just have to start on me own.

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