Craft Corner

Studio Friday: What was I thinking?

In January 2006 we have lived in our apartment for two long years. When I moved here I didn’t own much craft supplies really (as you might have read earlier), but during the past two years that has really changed a lot. Now I have a stash of everything it seams. Bigger and smaller, but growing and expanding every day. But with just two rooms the NO studio has grown and the clutter/mess too. All around the house.

And then when my mother was visiting we noticed that the bedroom is huge, and that there would be room for a craft corner for me there. I was so exited I just jumped around, but had to wait until we found a desk to start to organize it. I don’t know what I was thinking before this, but now it was so obvious what should be there. So out went the bookshelf and then there were plenty of room for a thrifted desk (50 SEK), my pink craft shelf and P drilled a IKEA shelf to the wall, it framed the desk just perfect + he hung a spot light under the shelf (thank you honey!). To me it’s magic!

Before and After Craft Corner
Before and after. Why didn’t I think of this earlier?

I really can’t believe it, even though I can see it. It’s a dream come true, a craft corner just for my stuff and me!

Today I printed the Studio Friday article about How to organize your studio better by Lee Silber, and read it thoroughly. And it really fits neat in with my thoughts about my new craft and art space in the bedroom. Because now I can craft where I keep my papers, yarns, fabrics and paintbrushes.
I don’t need to drag everything out from the cupboard and room around for stuff.
I don’t need to clean the entire house when we have guests coming over!
I can have projects where I can see them.
I can have a living room that looks like a living room and not kindergarten!
I have a desk that is all mine with no computers or digital stuff around.

and about a thousand other benefits I think I will find out in due time.

Some Christmas links too this Friday:

  • Have you turned the Christmas lights on yet? Here is somebody crazy and wild that has.
  • I buy my glögg at Systembolaget in Sweden, but you can make your own, just like Stephanie does. She suggested I googled for glögg recepies and I found, among lots of recipes, this one! It’s a must at Christmas here. I will have a drink later, since it’s Friday and all.

Happy weekend!

10 Responses

  1. Fun!!

    Looks really great Hanna! I almost can?t wait until I can fix my own craft corner when I have moved.

  2. WOW!!
    Hanna, YOU are amazing!! I am sooo happy that Lee’s advice helped!! It looks fabulous! I love the before-after shots. Sooo neat! We should start a new series at SF, hahah! The before-after series! I am thrilled about your newly found work space, this is sooo wonderful and exciting and you will be able to create lots of new Art Muse Dolls!!!

  3. Ooo, that’s a Good Dream to have brought True!
    I can see you’ll enjoy many happy hours of creating in your lovely new craft corner. : ) xxx

  4. very nice craft corner indeed! doesn’t it make
    you happy to sit there and create! i think everyone
    needs their own little space like that!

    thanks for sharing

  5. Don’t you love getting organized? It makes me feel like all is right in the world!
    Loved the holiday lights link… and isn’t Lisa Vollrath the best???

  6. Ooh, that looks great! I don’t have a studio either :(
    Mostly I use the little Japanese-style room that is kind of part of the living room, so at the moment it looks like there has been an EXPLOSION there – so much fabric and ribbon everywhere. But we have people coming for dinner tonight so I have to clean up!!!

  7. hej ihanna, det finns en V?LDIGT bra webbsida om man vill l?ra sig att bli mer organiserad i sitt liv och det b?sta av allt; den ?r helt gratis. sl?r i mitt tycke alla b?cker om att organisera sitt hem och liv med ljus?r…..enjoy …by the way..g? till table of contents till v?nster s? f?r du b?ttre ?verblick…

  8. sooo amazing!
    Hanna, you are an inspirational woman! I’ve read your blog for the first time in April 2004 when I moved to another city with my L.
    Now I live in a big city and in a tiny flat.
    Sometimes I feel a little bit gloomy but you help me everyday to find my hidden creativity after a looong and nasty working day, your strength is contagious.
    Great work woman!

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